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Full Version: [GET] Farrah Gray - Get Real, Get Rich
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Description of Get Real, Get Rich: Conquer the 7 Lies Blocking You from Success (from Amazon):

Raised in the impoverished South Side of Chicago, Farrah Gray defied the odds and became a self-made millionaire by the age of fourteen. His success is due, in part, to his emphatic rejection of the most pervasive lies about what it takes to succeed. In Get Real, Get Rich, Dr. Gray debunks seven common myths that people perceive as barriers to achieving their goals, in chapters such as The Born Lucky Lie, The Money Lie, and The Work Hard Lie. Listeners are presented with a new way to think about the road to wealth, as well as practical strategies they can use to propel themselves toward success.

Contents of Get Real, Get Rich:

Chapter 1 - The Born-Lucky Lie
Chapter 2 - The Work-Hard Lie
Chapter 3 - The Celebrity Lie
Chapter 4 - The Money Lie
Chapter 5 - The Debt Lie
Chapter 6 - The Google and Gates Lie
Chapter 6 - The Wall Street Lie

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