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Full Version: Rank your YouTube vdos to #1 - easy method !!!
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* DEDICATED GMAIL: Go to Google and set
up a new G account and put your videos keyword/s in the g address with your
niche as the username.

* KEYWORD ENHANCED USERNAME: Next, head over to Youtube and open up a NEW
account. Choose a user name that has the same keyword/s as your new email
address (Your videos keyword/s). This is most important for step 3. Use your
new G address as your Google account to connect your Youtube account to. Now
you should have a newly registered account with your keyword/s as the user
name. This username is about to be used as anchor text for linking to your vid.

* PROMOTION: Upload your 1 video to this new account and NEVER upload another
video to this account ever again. Here’s why…

Once you have uploaded your video you will see it featured on the top of your
Youtube channel page. This is where Youtube features your latest video upload.
Any link juice that flows on to your channel page will only benefit the video
in that “Featured Box” so it is important that your new video be the only one
that is ever there. Next we are going to quickly (under an hour) send masses of
PR4-PR7 Do-Follow back links to your channel page which will act as instant
back links for your video.

BACKLINKING: Go to the search box at the top of the Youtube page and do a
search for your keyword. This should bring back pages of results. Go through
the results and click on each videos user name to visit their channel.

You are looking for channels with PR4 or better.

When you find one just leave a comment on their channel (Bottom of their
channel page) and you will see your keyword anchor text show up as your
username next to your comment. Comments do not have to mention your keyword
again and do not need to be relevant to your niche so just say something nice.
This anchor text from these comments is DO FOLLOW and will provide INSTANT high
quality link juice straight to whatever video is in the featured spot on your
channel page.

The more you add the better your video will do !

After 24 hours do a search for your keyword again on Youtube and you should
generally see it in the top 10 after this short amount of time.

Rinse and repeat this method for all new videos for the same success.
Thanks for the tutorial much appreciated.
d*** i didnt know about the adding comments to be used a anchor text, hence backlinks
Thanks great info what tools do you use and how do you get your views
you are a asset
I am using this method already and got #1 spot on YB with in 5 days and made some sales.On 6th day my video got suspended, but any way my channel is safe and i made another video do nothing for that video but that video is now on first page of YB, but no sales yet!
(10-30-2012 11:00 PM)REKHILESH90 Wrote: [ -> ]I am using this method already and got #1 spot on YB with in 5 days and made some sales.On 6th day my video got suspended, but any way my channel is safe and i made another video do nothing for that video but that video is now on first page of YB, but no sales yet!
what do you mean mate? on first page of YB without do nothing and no sales yet?
I,ve tries this way, but there is no commente places bottome the channel page. can everybody do it this method right now?
I will try this method.
Not doing nothing... Doing YT comments on videos+ channels and ping them .... Plus create backlinks to my main video + scrapbox comments links to my channel easy first page
Its really nice information, thanks for posting bro
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