From sales copy... The first ebook is only 12 pages long, but is the best information I've ever seen on how to construct bullets.
After reading this, you'll be able to...
* Take the world’s most powerful BULLET
and FASCINATION secrets (stolen directly
from decades of red-hot controls) …
* Combine them with proven principles
for boosting response, both online and off …
* And finally filter it all through one of the most
RESPECTED copywriters to ever pick up a pen …
* Do all this and you’ve got a wickedly effective new
bullet-writing system that will change your copywriting
and marketing, almost overnight!
Why should you read — and HEED — the secrets I reveal in the following pages?
Simple: Because the ability to write great bullets and fascinations is one of the
most powerful skills you’ll EVER acquire as a copywriter. And the ability to recognize
both good and bad ones is essential to being a great direct response entrepreneur or marketing director.
Don’t believe me? Just scan through a stack of controls. You’ll find TONS of sales letters and even larger promotions based almost entirely on great bullets and
fascinations. This is especially true when selling books — like Boardroom and Rodale do through the mail. And like many Internet marketers do online.
Just about every great A-list writer has developed the ability to write world-class bullets and it’s rare to see a big package without at least 10-20, if not many more.
Plus, it’s hard not to love them — these little benefit-packed gems do so much in so little space!
9 times out of 10, bullets and fascinations offer benefits … but GREAT ones do much more than that.
The second ebook is a swipe file of letters with great bullets.
TY very much ... I am re-learning good copywriting after a long hiatus from the direct marketing world.
Do you have some other similar masters of copywriting to share?
I have been looking for the templates from David Garfinkel with no luck: do you have to share these?
Do to an EMERGENCY reader request, I'm re-upping a download link.
It doesn't matter which "authority-copywriter" a marketer may follow, there are no dissenters about the value of the headline on the sales copy. The value of a headline (cash-wise) is estimated somewhere between 65% to 85% of the total return from the sales letter.
But after the prospect gets hooked by an attention-getting headline, bullets "pull / convert" more than 50% of those who get that far to complete reading your sales message.That doesn't mean that they will necessarily buy that specific offer, but at least they'll complete reading it to give your whole message a chance at being responded to. (Sales letters that aren't read - don't sell anyone....)
After you've figured out your winning headline - figuring out your winning bullets will complete almost 90% of your sales letter.
(04-19-2022 05:08 AM)AbeLincolnBart Wrote: [ -> ]Do to an EMERGENCY reader request, I'm re-upping a download link.
It doesn't matter which "authority-copywriter" a marketer may follow, there are no dissenters about the value of the headline on the sales copy. The value of a headline (cash-wise) is estimated somewhere between 65% to 85% of the total return from the sales letter.
But after the prospect gets hooked by an attention-getting headline, bullets "pull / convert" more than 50% of those who get that far to complete reading your sales message.That doesn't mean that they will necessarily buy that specific offer, but at least they'll complete reading it to give your whole message a chance at being responded to. (Sales letters that aren't read - don't sell anyone....)
After you've figured out your winning headline - figuring out your winning bullets will complete almost 90% of your sales letter.