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Full Version: Kontent Machine vs Wicked Article Creator
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can someone provide me link to working WAC.
Can Anyone Help me Please??? Whats Happened With Wicked Article Creator, I been trying to purchase this program for a couple weeks and everything for its been taken down, Has the Dev. been forced to take it down or was this a personal choice?
Its a little funny actually, Searching far and wide for WAC to purchase over the last 2 weeks led me to bigger better things, Donating to become a VIP has proven to be a great venture! Even so I still wonder why I can't find why such a good software has disappeared from the market
it has not been taken down. I still use it and many BHW members bought it yesterday only. Check his thread there. :P
Just bought that and they having a sale on $42 life time
PHP Code: 
The feature I really like is GSA export - it safe a lot of time when make a projects.
Somebody kindly give some detail video tutorial of WAC.
WAC for me is just 2 cent. Very bad for tier 1 content, only for tier 2 it's ok, and their developer are just scam children. From this days i start to hate them and insert everywhere i can bad reviews about them. They scam me and lose a lot of reputation with their Wicked Proxy product that you can find on Scrapebox api. Don't be stupid like i was to buy this tool that is not working, and no api are there. They told me will work on api in next days, and i was so stupid to believe, and now are months and they don't want at last to refund me, just my 2 cent for this crazy people that last their reputation with this bad products.
hello everyone

I use wac and KM annd SCM.

ı say one thing. Wac cheap and loser. not good high CMP words.
Scm really good but if use spinner. But magneficent contents and fully optimized.
Km is a king. Amazing Contents and again need be use spinner.

SCM and Km almost same KM more specifik but if you want to good content need to be use good spinner.

WaC good for beginners :)
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