Thanks for your upload. I`ll check this stuff in action and give review soon.
Nice and easy system to follow. I will tested soon.
Thank you
Did somebody installed and played this system.According to its intructions? It seems that we are missing the folder "HotForex111MetaTrader".
It was looking as a "Nice and easy system to follow".
Any tester inout would be helpful.
Thanks in advance...
...and this download link is still active since the year 2012...WOW! That's hugely impressive. So did anyone put this EA to good use...please provide results! Thanks in advance!
(11-06-2012 12:37 AM)aleale Wrote: [ -> ]Testing
Did somebody installed and played this system.According to its intructions? It seems that we are missing the folder "HotForex111MetaTrader".
It was looking as a "Nice and easy system to follow".
Any tester inout would be helpful.
Thanks in advance...
Misleading and very annoying. NO "HotForex111Metatrader". The Image and written instruction are outdated. you 're forced to figured it all out on your own. ERROR MESSAGE ALERT NONE STOP. I turned on the "DLL imports" and settings over and over again NO CHANGES. ridiculous!
(05-25-2019 06:19 PM)Homel Wrote: [ -> ]I found something close and i hope this video helpful
Let me know your result.

Homel for this video very helpful. This system is a Keeper . It works really well. NOT bad at all.
thanks will check this out