10-18-2012, 02:19 AM
Here's the new version of instaflow, it's the donate/gold version from here, http://instaflow.in/
EDIT: 1/15/2013, I meant this as for someone way higher than me that could crack it. I know there are people out there that can, and it would be greatly apreciated as instaflow has shut down their website. This bot relies on codes from 3 services. They are web.stagram.com statigram.com and followgram.me . This means that even though instaflow shut down their website the bot will continue to work. Now we just need someone to crack it.
Until this gets cracked you can go to my other thread and download another version of instaflow thats FULLY WORKING. It doesnt allow multiple accounts like the gold version, but it currently is more stable. Here's the link http://bestblackhatforum.com/Thread-GET-...LY-WORKING
EDIT: 1/15/2013, I meant this as for someone way higher than me that could crack it. I know there are people out there that can, and it would be greatly apreciated as instaflow has shut down their website. This bot relies on codes from 3 services. They are web.stagram.com statigram.com and followgram.me . This means that even though instaflow shut down their website the bot will continue to work. Now we just need someone to crack it.
Until this gets cracked you can go to my other thread and download another version of instaflow thats FULLY WORKING. It doesnt allow multiple accounts like the gold version, but it currently is more stable. Here's the link http://bestblackhatforum.com/Thread-GET-...LY-WORKING
Magic Button :