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Full Version: [GET NEW] Vizuka Affiliate CMS Portal Rates [PHP FULL] [ORIGINAL]
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[Image: di-EP75.jpg]


Created their own price comparison with cutting-edge product data in a few minutes.

Shop Directory, Product Data and Vouchers Automatically by API Web Services

More commissions for affiliates through improved conversion rates

- Highly flexible! Include more offers simply themselves. Are prepared for the possibility to integrate an insurance and financial comparison, gas, electricity, telephone, internet, broadband and mobile phone tariff comparison and a travel price comparison.

Affiliate Window
.. usm.

Fully automated product data from all networks in real time.

System 7 IonCube encoded ...



[Image: di-29VM.png]
"A mind forever voyaging through strange seas of thought - Issac Newton"
How to install it ?
have tested it?
no work guys...
It works! "System 7 IonCube encoded" paying attention to info.

Logically will not work on free hosting
(10-23-2012 08:40 AM)freelancheru Wrote: [ -> ]It works! "System 7 IonCube encoded" paying attention to info.

Logically will not work on free hosting
your demo plz
File not Found..?

Where the link bro..
The Script works perfectly fine on most shared hosting!
That`s why we don`t like these illegal downloads and take legal action.

A good script is made bad by people who have no clue what they are doing.

We do have a 10 day refund policy. After ordering you can enjoy the full benefits including our support.
If you don`t like the script and support, request a refund.

Also you will need updates from time to time within short notice when networks make changes or shops submit falty code in their product data. Working with APIs simply requires a certain level of continous support.
We even moved from Germany to Bulgaria to keep pricing affordable without compromising at support.

Again, there really is no need to risk tremendous costs for lawyers and court that benefit neither users nor vizuka.

Plus, downloading these version you will prbl. not be happy as they have some faulty code.
You will just take a great script of your list of opportunities if you don`t get it to work.
Why not enjoy our great support and get the most out of it.

Thank you very much!

PS: If you have installed it already please get a licence. We will take anyone purchasing a licence on time of the list and not press any charges. Note: Uninstalling doesn`t make the problem go away.
We can decode your ioncube v7 files if any one want to decode their files then pm me...
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