we can't install the bluestacks, i have w7 all my drivers are up to date
Don't I need any account for whaff? Then how will it pay me? How can I submit my payment info? Does it support Payza? Or Paypal only?
Thanks for sharing. I like to work creatively and I will definitely try it.
$5 a day is not bad. Tell me will I be able to earn same amount everyday?
you haven't accessed the google play store app(the while shopping app
bag icon) on your devise whith this email account
how to solve this whith bluestack and google play
any altrnative bluestacks?
This code in RED is your to make money, I don't know how others will make without login. smell cheat.
It says that it only works on android, dafuq?
(11-12-2012 04:17 AM)drammen Wrote: [ -> ]It says that it only works on android, dafuq?
(11-12-2012 04:17 AM)drammen Wrote: [ -> ]same here..
whaff caught cheaters and detect who are using whaff app from bluestacks,
lols, i tried that earlier
it really bad in my opinion xD
not worth the time