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Full Version: [GET] Traffik Buster direct download link
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Traffik Buster is one of the hottest generating software right now..

here is a mediafire direct download link.

[MEDIAFIRE link removed by Staff as it leads to a survey
This is NOT allowed and still consider a survey. Be warned!!!]

moderators.. if this post violates the terms please delete this post.

[MEDIAFIRE link removed by Staff as it leads to a survey
This is NOT allowed and still consider a survey. Be warned!!!]
This looks like a fake download and there is a survey involved.
what the F*** with that SURVEY !!
ban ban ban
You put a direct download link with a survey and even after if we filled the survey that still not sure if the software needs key to make it work. Foff
I read the following post on iNTERNET...

"I did a research in many blackhat communities and this software can't be found anywhere. The owner (Manny or Emannuel1788) is a very active and experienced user on blackhat foruns and seems to be a very good coder, as far as I know this software is one of the most difficult to null. I found some guys who can null it but after a few days they stopped to work. The owner paid them to stop the nulling. The thing is the software isn't that good because the traffic is very untargeted and spammy, usually the convertion rate is terrible. Actually Twitter already got notice of this software and they are watching very closely this guy. Just to inform you guys, the owner is changing the platform and the ubot will not be used anymore to code the software."

I think let discuss on some other good tools beside of such spamming one
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