thanks for your reply,but i have revo uninstaller and it doesnt find senukeX
Is anyone facing the RSS links problem ??
in Monty v3
"Application cannot be started. Contact the aplication vendor."
I tried everything, but couldn't update it. Anyone help me?
Captcha not working and turbo wizard not populate "about me" section in FP and WEB 2.0 profile.But these is probably error from them also there are problems with create hotmail acc from time to time. • View topic - unable to download ezine articles error ?
The captcha doesn't work with add script any idea OMEGA?
I guess for those who are using 64 bit, try to use the 32 bit version since omega is using 32 bit platform.
I'm using 32bit but the captcha works just for the default sites and not working with custom sites
For the peeps having the "Application Update or Uninstall SenukeX is already installed from another location. Please uninstall Update or uninstall SenukeX...." issue:
That will fix it!