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Can anyone reup or mirror this please?
(03-14-2018 01:53 PM)wizozz Wrote: [ -> ]Can anyone reup or mirror this please?

Here's a zippy:
Magic Button :
@rhqman: Hey, friend. Thanks for the mirror, but the zippy link you posted is for Copywriting Genius --- the Master Collection, which I recently shared. I thought this thread was for the Resume Writing Program.

Do you have that...?

(03-18-2018 05:57 AM)layna61524 Wrote: [ -> ]@rhqman: Hey, friend. Thanks for the mirror, but the zippy link you posted is for Copywriting Genius --- the Master Collection, which I recently shared. I thought this thread was for the Resume Writing Program.

Do you have that...?


Oooops. Will investigate and see if I can get the correct one. Sorry everyone :(
Quote:Can anyone reup or mirror this please?
Please reupload this .....
Okay. This might be the correct offering. Soz about sharing the wrong one previously - I is incompetent, so I is.

Anyway if it's wrong, take it easy I am trying, (very trying some would say).

Magic Button :
(03-22-2018 04:29 AM)rhqman Wrote: [ -> ]Okay. This might be the correct offering. Soz about sharing the wrong one previously - I is incompetent, so I is.

Anyway if it's wrong, take it easy I am trying, (very trying some would say).

Magic Button :

At a quick glance this seems to be the main manual. The cover page matches the cover image on the salespage...and the table of contents match the salespage bullet points. The bonuses seem to be different. But, the main guide is here. Thanks for your efforts, rhqman! Repped!
Does anyone have this?
Please, can anyone share the updated one?
Happydance Happydance Happydance Thanks
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