see with your hosting provider can you install it... some hosting don't have support for installig this... i use webhostinghub and hostgator and on those it works perfect. All you need to do is to follow instructions for installation and it should be fine.
Here are 5 modules
here is one nice web site for sending unlimited free sms all around the world. good for offline marketing :)
does someone have 1.2 version? Tnx!
EDIT: Found v1.2
Oh really!?!?
Imagine if martin Luther King said:"I had a dream...but...meh...i don't want to talk about it"!!!!
My point...CARE TO Share v 1.2?
(10-17-2012 06:34 AM)mate11111 Wrote: [ -> ]does someone have 1.2 version? Tnx!
EDIT: Found v1.2
I installed the script and everything works perfect, except if I use the "Post" button in the bookmark bar to pins things. I can see the pictures to pin (see below)
but when I click on one to pin I get a blank screen (see pic).
I would REALLY appreciate help with this. Is it a host issue?
I installed the script and it works perfect except that the pin button in the bookmark bar isn't working properly. I can see the choice of pics to pin from a website when i click on the "post" button (see below)
However, if i click on one picture to pin I get a blank screen (see pic below)
I would really appreciate any help here. Is it a host issue?
it freezes the installation after the license prompt =(
for me is is working 100% and the installation also..
Thanks for this share!!