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How to get PR5 backlink

This is a pretty easy way to get your site indexed in Google fast and get a high PR link at the same time.

Step 1:
Go To :
And register an account.

Step 2:
Once your account is ready click on nominate and submit your site to the proper category.

When you are done you will notice that your site will appear on the front page of under “Most Recent Nominations”. Now when you have your link on the front page the only thing left to do is ping the site and you are done. The main page also has a PR of 5 so a link from there will definitely give you some decent juice.

A Few Extra Tips:

Most of the categories also have decent PR usually 4+ and appearing in the first 10 results can be really easy since most of your competition will have less than 10 – 15 votes. If you don’t know how to get fake votes just head to you will find quite a few groups there which exchange BloggerChoiceAwards votes.
u are only the one
i like ur all post thanks
Stupid Q :where to register an account?
Quote:Stupid Q :where to register an account?
nowhere it's under construction now. tread was posted 03-31-2011 05:16 AM!
Hi all. good lucky to you.
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