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Full Version: Cracked Tweet Adder - The new login issues
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I run 2 different builds of Tweet Adder 3. (One works fine!)

Tweet Adder Bulid#111004 (on mac)= all accounts still works after a few attempts to login on each account.
Anyone with download link to this build for PC?

Tweet Adder Build#110430 (on pc) = a couple accounts logs in successfully. Different ones at every startup, but impossible to login to the ones with pop-up "incorrect username or password". (which is 95% of the accounts)

Im assuming Tweet Adder might have a new ip that blocks in XAMPP. There might be a new URL to put in "hosts.php". Is that possible?

Anyone with a work around or a way to run #120130 cracked? Seems that version is fixed and dont have the recent login problems???

having the same issue. upgrading to the latest build only says it cannot confirm your registration code and will no longer add the users created in the validatereg.php file. hope this issue gets fixed. running it on a mac.
yeah! just today it stopped working on my mac as well. build 111004 is not working either.

hoping for an update on this.
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same problem here.. :(

Tweet Adder Build#110430 (on pc)
Unable to login due to incorrect username and password.

what to do??

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