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Has anyone ever tried using phplist or openemm with PMTA 3.5?

I worked with a client who wanted PMTA with Permicity and was referred by Port25 to that injector when the coder was still active. The client paid said coder (Guhan I believe was his name) for install and delivery of Permicity, but ultimately it would not work correctly so the project was scratched yet they did not get their money back.

At this time I am taking on the project again, but this time around we are getting a custom solution from an existing mailer using PMTA 3.5 and their custom built injector.

I would like to know if anyone here would offer up their solution.

Why you guys don't use a threaded/balanced with clusters solutions with PMTA?

connection closed.
can anybody share cracked PMTA?
I am now on the same way in the field of interspire addon. we also offer the interspire Interspire Multiple SMTP Option and
Email Marketing Multiple From rotation Option for more or skype : telesyssoftsolution
Interspire sucks and isn't suited for mailers attempting to make real money /end of discussion.
(10-09-2012 12:09 PM)zilla Wrote: [ -> ]I use PowerMTA 3.5 and PowerMTA 4.0 - I have a custom modded version of Active Campaign with built in spintax and a few other mods for proper use of the VMTA feature found within PowerMTA. I also have the custom Interspire addons Multiple MTA, MultiThread, FBL, IP Rep Checker, ISP Analysis, etc. Also, a custom python injector. I use them all (on different servers of course) Where both totally kick ass and send ridicules amounts of email and incredible speeds I think both front ends limit the true power of PowerMTA and I want to do a custom html front-end using the python injector. I was curious what anyone else here that uses either of the PowerMTAs use, and why they prefer it?
thats one mean machine setup you got there zilla .i wish i can get a setup like that
Can someone help me for free to setup all this?
@daniel123 - You obviously have no idea what you're asking someone to do and at that asking for them to do it for Free... The answer is NO, the servers cost money, domains cost money, software cost money, labor cost money... and you want it for free? Go beg somewhere else.
@zilla i mean only the setup and settings, for sure all the things like host, vps, domain i will buy them.
Thank U Sir
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