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Full Version: [Get] Retweets and favorites bot
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i am introducing you a self made bot for retweets and favorites

it's based on .Net so you should instal the version 4 to make that work

the tool is simple in the account text area you should put an account in each line and must follow this format (username: password)

the proxies one in a line (does not support private proxies)

and the tweet links on in a line

that's all

if you can see any improvements in the tool just let me know about them and i will try to add them

download link
PHP Code: 

virustotal test
PHP Code: 
Thanks for share . need to check.
yeah and dont forget to post a review about it and if you feel that something can be changed or added say it here
Thanks for sharing >>> But it crash after press start. can you fix it
it crashes or take a little bit of time
can you send a screenshot of the crash so i can figure out what's wrong
[Image: fwk7r4.jpg]
In English :
Retweets Stop working
Windows try to find solution
btw i understand arabic :D
and i guess it's working now (that was caused by some missing dlls that are only available on the developpement machine) download the new file i just updated the link
WOW , Now it work fine>>> Thank man
You're Welcome
(10-08-2012 03:01 PM)solidusse Wrote: [ -> ]You're Welcome
salam bro can you post sort tutorial how it's work Cool
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