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Full Version: Question about Odd thing on my PC!?!?
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Figured this was the right place to ask if anyone could tell me what I saw if I can explain it!

Was cleaning out some old files, went into a folder on desktop and one of the programs that was in a group did not have it's correct name? There was a word there, something like lame then it went away?? What the heck is that?

Does that mean someone hacked into my pc n was snooping around?
Waste of time if so as I was getting ready to wipe it clean and just save few files.

Thanks! Smile
There are a few things that could use the temp file "lame", it could be quite innocent.
Many MP3 encoders use lame when they are running driver files and I get temp files that appear and disappear randomly when my encoders are running. It depends where my system is running that driver to where it will show up.
It could also be something malicious but as you are formatting and installing a new system you don't really have much to worry about as long as you protect yourself with the next system.
Get a copy of NOD32 and Malwarebytes and do regular scans, and run any cracked software inside a virtual machine, that should keep you safe from any future infections.
Thanks for the info....just found it odd it said "lame" on a scraper program! ;)

Was gonna download nod32 from web but don't have code, I'm sure it's in here somewhere.? ;) Have malwarebytes

I use these two NOD32 and Malwarebytes like a religion esp Malwarebytes which is outstanding
Could u pm me if u have Nod32 key for new version? It has sandbox thing?
Thx. ;)
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