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Super shady method to make some quick money, very black

I don't know about the morality, legality, or feasibility of this endeavor, but here goes...

Most people are probably aware of how The Copyright Group is suing 5,000 P2P users for pirating The Hurt Locker. The way it works is that if you are caught pirating, you are sent a letter threatening to be sued for $150,000 unless you immediately settle for a one-time payment of $1,500. It turns out that 90% of people when faced with such a letter opt to pay the $1,500 rather than call the bluff. The Copyright Group then sets up a website for everybody to make their payment and sees the money roll in (5,000 x .9 x 1,500 = $6.75 million) without actually having to take very many people to court. In this spirit I offer the following:

Upload something (to which you own the ebook, a video tutorial, whatever) to a popular bit torrent tracker. When people start downloading it make a note of their IP. Then, a la The Copyright Group, send them a letter threatening to sue them for $150,000 unless they settle for $1,500. Make the wording in your letter similar to the wording The Copyright Group uses (you can find their letter online). Set up a website to accept their payment and watch the money roll in.
d*** thats good
...hmmm...i doubt if this will actually work...have you tried it and made money?
idunno know bro...ideally it sounds good n sneaky and it is but not very intricate. i know about the extortion letters and really thats all it really is,an extortion letter in a legal letter's costume lol which is cool if u like to extort people,which is cool im not judging anybody but uh it may be alil too late to get a high ROI(lol) bcuz its been blasted all over movie torrent type sites that you dont have to take them seriously if you are greeted with a letter in the mail.but i bet back in mid to late 2010 it would have been a good time to get about 1000 or so suckers to pay
(05-04-2011 05:31 PM)itsmrkb2u Wrote: [ -> ]idunno know bro...ideally it sounds good n sneaky and it is but not very intricate. i know about the extortion letters and really thats all it really is,an extortion letter in a legal letter's costume lol which is cool if u like to extort people,which is cool im not judging anybody but uh it may be alil too late to get a high ROI(lol) bcuz its been blasted all over movie torrent type sites that you dont have to take them seriously if you are greeted with a letter in the mail.but i bet back in mid to late 2010 it would have been a good time to get about 1000 or so suckers to pay

Personally, I think this will never work anymore in 2011. I mean...don't they have Google to search for more information before paying anything. Even a 5the grader would probably prefer first to talk to a lawyer for consultation before opening his/her wallet.
lol this is a good idea but the question did this really tested???
a while back ago when phishing sites were terrorizing everyone. there was a guy who made a site just like the copyright group. for the method to work, it had to be newbies on the torrent sites. also it's when anti piracy commercial were all over HBO and TV and stuff. so anyhow the guy made couple of thousands from suckers but site got shot down by FBI when the copyright group saw that they had some else asking money and not them.
good idea man
Not really sure this can actually work.
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