thank for great share,, it's can helpful..
i will try this method ... thanks
Thank you for sharing, I seberanya used in this way, if sya coupled with social bookmarking, blog comments,,
Thanks buddies.. for finding the post useful..
keep watching for more proven tricks to race
your way to top of page one in google..
Definitely YES!
do be active in answering and questioning..
thats it..
(12-25-2012 11:36 PM)cracklings1017 Wrote: [ -> ]thanks for sharing! but does Yahoo answers help your PR in google?
These links (profile and forum) will not do much, unless you are trying to rank for a super-uncompetitive keyword. And in regards to Yahoo Answers they are no-follow, which basically means they will not transfer link juice from the domain, but YA is an authority, so it may help somewhat.
this help me. thanks for the share!