Hello Friend I Need A Working Paypal Money Adder.
Please If Someone Have It Share It.
Thanks Hope My Friends Will Help Me
(10-05-2012 02:07 PM)doomsday101 Wrote: [ -> ]hahahahahaha
what's so funny..???
What do you mean by "Paypal money adder"??
If you mean some kind of software that will just add money to your account you are dreaming mate.
Paypal was created by a real life rocket scientist and free money is not something you are gonna get from them, not unless you scam some poor sod anyway!
Haha That was a good one! ''PAYPAL MONEY ADDER'' !!
haha that was a good one! ''PAYPAL MONEY ADDER'' . Dude it's a scam, it never existed, don't fall for that shit!
Go to crack or hack type of forum they will give you a "Working Money adder bot" aka RAT. LOL. And they will be adding money to their PayPal account from your CC/Paypal.
*I was sick in bed. But this one made my day a little funnier.
hahahahaha sooooooo funny .. dude there is nothing like that !!