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Full Version: [ASK] Amazon review site up, Need guidance on next steps.
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Hello world. I have, what I consider, a decent Amazon based review site. It already has 10+ reviews and a couple of info articles and they're good quality reads. The niche is decent too, but I just don't seem to be getting any traffic! I've also been adding new content constantly. Here's what I've done for traffic so far
Using Google alerts to get the latest on the niche, and then posting useful comments linking back to the site.
Posting on Facebook groups in the same niche, with a link back to the site.

This has been getting me just 0-5 visitors a day! So you can imagine, the clicks are quite horrible. Around 50 clicks in the past month, resulting in 1 sale bringing me a whopping $0.01! :(

So can the people with the know-how please give me feedback about my site and suggestions of how I can increase targeted traffic to the site? Please PM me for a link to my site and I'd appreciate it if you can keep the site under wraps.

Any help is greatly appreciated! :)
best way to bring traffic to review site is to upload videos on youtube.... The best way is to buy it from feverr and upload it on every possible video site ... It will bring hell lot of traffic..
Thanks for the tip. Just have another question about the videos. What kind of video should I be creating? A video review or a product teaser that asks the user to go to my website for a full review?

Again, I appreciate the help!
on the video's kinda depends on you niche and or product - but probally both types in different channels if needed, try and keep em around 2-3 min max. for the rewievs videos, the revewies can be longe if they are good, just stay away from animoto types of videos (slide show with a lame background music) they tend not to rank so good on the tube.

else for traffic- screw google - start posting on social sites like redit, stumbleoppon, twitter, fb etc. to draw in a crowd and visitors - hold back on the sales talk on these sites, better to go in and answer / question post (focusing on the info articles on your sites) on your at first then slowley drip in your link later on. ppl on social sites kinda don't like beeing spammed with sale's links. - to find questione etc - yahoo answers , fb (if you find a decent group), and check up on blogs in your niche to see what ppl are generally talking about and have question's about......
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