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(09-29-2012 04:34 AM)Noumans Wrote: [ -> ]Everything is Working fine on SEnuke Xcr.but still hotmail account is not working What i can do Omege ???
Is there SEnuke software problem or cracking or anything else ???
This has already been discussed over and over again, since the very first SENuke Xcr version. YES, it doesn't work, but is a VERY MINOR problem that offers a simple solution.

Buy 500 hotmail accounts on Fiver and import as many as needed. DONE!! If you want to change SPAM settings, then do so or setup a bot to do it for you.
You are great! Omega! Keep the ball rolling!
Omega......the updater doesn't work. We get a "Unhandled exception error". Without a working updated, the exe is useless. Can you please get us a working "updater"?

[Image: updater.jpg]
Very nice, thank you for your hard work! I repped you.
A portable version would be nice.

(09-30-2012 01:30 PM)grafx77 Wrote: [ -> ]Omega......the updater doesn't work. We get a "Unhandled exception error". Without a working updated, the exe is useless. Can you please get us a working "updater"?

It is working fine for me. The same one I posted in the rar file.
You can download a new one from the senuke download. All though you will have to search the forum for it. As I do not know it off the top of my head right now.
Hi Omega,when I create account I always get this message "Senuke license is not active". I replace crack already. Reinstall many times but still get this message. Please help!!!
I did a fresh install with the updater and replaced the exe with cracked exe. I run senukexcr and I get an unhandeled error. Once I close the error senukexcr is stuck on "Verifying..."

Does anyone else have this problem?
yes i have a same problem.. as you.. omega can you help us on our problem please? Sad
yes i still stuck at verifying process
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