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Full Version: Need Porn Tube Script [Tube Ace 2.0+AdultScriptPro+SmartTube]
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Hey Guys if you've latest version of any of this script share with me.

Tube Ace 2.0

AdultScriptPro rocks :)
I know dude...but nulled version not available....and AVS video Module not available[need for video grabbing]
Bumps for it
I do have AVS 3.0 but i'm sure you can find a copy already on here as its readily available now if not let me know and I will post a copy. I have a copy of Xtubescript that I bought from the developer but I have been having problems recently trying to reach him to fix this error I am getting all of a sudden saying "Xtubescript
Error: I could not obtain a new local license key.". I have always messaged him and he just fixed it somehow but now hes no longer selling this script and has taken his website down ( saying hes going through "health problems" so if anyone knows how to fix this reply below or send me a pm ,I am MORE then happy to leak this to the community for everyone to enjoy. I thought it might be a API issue but some of the other webmasters using this script are unaffected. As a result of this error I CANT get into the admin area to update ANYTHING , this has rendered my domain null atm.

If anyone can shed light on this problem or is willing to help fix this error i'm all ears.

(09-28-2012 01:48 PM)ViperBlood Wrote: [ -> ]Hey Guys if you've latest version of any of this script share with me.

Tube Ace 2.0


AdultScriptPro rocks
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