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(09-26-2012 08:14 PM)mate11111 Wrote: [ -> ]Hello! I download Senuke XCR portable and after update I got this

That message indicates that you do not have permission to run the senukerecovery.exe. Try running as administrator.

If that does not work use the SENukeUpdater.application that I have included in the download to repair your files. Then copy the patch over.

This is why you should not use a portable version.
(09-26-2012 08:23 PM)Noumans Wrote: [ -> ]Is we can update it ??? As SEnuke said that THIS IS THE TEST RELEASE ONLY.DON'T UPDATE
What we can do ??
This is an official release, not a test release. I will not mess around with a test/beta release as they may be more unstable than an official release.
Update and use this or use one of the earlier releases until the next one comes out. Use whichever one works the best for you. The choice is yours.
thanks again omega :D
just can say thanks only :D
Thanks Omega for clearing my confusion on SEnuke new update thanks again Man!!!!
Thank you boss, SenukeXCr Version 3.0.11 Release, Released 9/26/2012


Ticket 2091: Nested spinning not working in randURLs
Ticket 2095: Toolbox not closing
Ticket 2088: Can't expand profile list
Ticket 2077: Hotmail Accounts Not Being Created

Potential fixes for Wordpress issues on x86
Potential fxes for DBC issues

Added a fix for issues with corrupt file validation on startup

Plus the usual site fixes and removals.

Based off changeset #4670

SenukeXCr Version 3.0.10 Release, Released 9/25/2012

Ticket 2091: Nested spinning not working in randURLs
Ticket 2095: Toolbox not closing

Added a fix for issues with corrupt file validation on startup

Plus the usual site fixes and removals.

Based off changeset #4667
I'm trying to use the wizard but when I go to export I get an unhandled error message and it doesn't finish exporting properly. Any ideas?

This is what I caught of the message:

could not load file or assembly 'checkboxcombobox. version
I'm getting this:

[Image: I0q6X.jpg]
I'm getting "Unable to validate license..." message. Why is it asking me for my user/pass anyway? Shouldn't it run w/out that?
Omega.. YET again you amaze even the paid coders over at SENX! Works flawlessly again :)

As a note, we have this popping up on the all versions since XCR started, the previous versions are all still working, as is the updated exe you have provided, this is the app message:

[Image: senukexcr_26_09_2012_18_57_32.jpg]
Actually the error I'm getting is this:

"The following unhandled error occurred in SENuke:
Could not load file or assembly 'SENuke.Licensing, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKey Token=d60481416d7b58c0' or one of its dependencies. An attempt was made to load a program with an incorrect format.

Stack Trace: at SENuke.ActivationManager.Activate(String username, String password, Boolean deactivate, Boolean deactivateALL) at ns1.FormReg.method_0(Object sender, EventArgs e)"
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