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Full Version: [REQ]Content Locker V1 or V2
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I badly need this script.I would have bought if i have that much money.Can i get any working version that is nulled.
I even can't find V1.
Content Lock PRO V2.0

Magic Button :

Read the instruction - it should work!
I can't login to admin panel.I looked into php admin and used that info to login but that also didn't work.Any idea how to make it work?
Has anyone has this? V2?
i am going to try this today, hope it works.
I can't log in... any idea about instruction #3?? which is 3)Edit line 153 E159 database info: protected/settings/configuration.php ?? i couldn't see it..
(12-04-2012 08:55 AM)rapi727 Wrote: [ -> ]I can't log in... any idea about instruction #3?? which is 3)Edit line 153 E159 database info: protected/settings/configuration.php ?? i couldn't see it..
Find that configuration file, inside the file near the end you will find this piece of code:
PHP Code:
'db' => array(
'class'=> 'application.extensions.PHPPDO.CPdoDbConnection',
'connectionString' => 'mysql:host=localhost;dbname=yourdatabase',
'emulatePrepare' => true,
'username' => 'yourusername',
'password' => 'password',
'charset' => 'utf8'

Edit the code to match your database details
thank you, but still i can't log in. it says "Access invalid". I already change the phpmyAdmin user and pass but still can't log in.
same here cant login
it said "Access invalid". i wonder what's wrong..
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