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Full Version: [Get] [WP] - deTube - Professional Video WordPress Theme
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[Image: mocQu.png]

deTube is a Professional Video WordPress Theme designed for video site,
video blog video Portal. This theme will help you get a professional
video site up and running quickly, it is inspired by the popular
websites: YouTube, Vimeo and Dribbble. No modest to say that it is the
most powerful video WordPress theme so far.


Easy to use theme options, drag&drop panel.
Integrate ‘WP Postviews’ and ‘WP Pagenavi’
Backgrond patterns: 14 Preset background patterns and Custom background pattern is also supported
‘Post’ Labels: You can change the labels of WordPress built-in post
type ‘post’, to ‘Video’, or whatever you want to name it.
Custom contact methods ‘twitter’, ‘facebbok’ and ‘location’ on edit profile page
Built-in related videos
Custom menus support and CSS3 Drop-Down Menus
Toggle “More/Less” video info
Custom login logo
Custom rss url
Threaded comments
Social navigation
Footer navigation
Custom code in head and footer
Login form and account navigation
Custom text for copyright&credits
HTML5 and CSS3
Compatible with WordPress 3.4
Localisation support(.po/.mo file)
Carefully handcrafted
Extensive Documentation
much more…




This theme is so beautiful. I'm in love. Its perfect. Thanks for the share! Perfect timing! :)
@TMB, Thanks for your AWESOME share, my love always... Blush Welcome
This theme is so GoooooooooooooooD
thanks man
this theme is so GoooooooooooD
thanks man
So beautiful. Thank you
New Demo Version 1.3 :
fantastic share well done rep given
Thank you so much man this is the best part from bestblackhatforum

Unpacking the package…

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