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(10-23-2012 06:06 AM)humangrade Wrote: [ -> ]ya i never got it to work on xp on windows 7 had a bunch of bugs/ forced closed alot, always said port 80 is blocked... tried on like 4 different pcs... they have alot of bugs they need to fix with this shit the port 80 thing is so annoying...
Close skype?
(10-01-2012 02:07 PM)humangrade Wrote: [ -> ]not working on xp
me too Sleepy
Guy's should check if the trapisever is running on windows xp and it does only use port 80.

I have been having this problem until I had my fren a it specialist and bump...

He just stop the trapiserver and the d*** thing works... what a ...

hope this will help you guyz.
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