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Full Version: [GET] liimeBar: An improved scroll bar for your website
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[Image: XLPms.png]
LiimeBar is a jQuery plugin which removes the default browser scroll bar and replaces it with a sleek, modern one which will really impress your visitors and enhance your website.
The scroll bar is pure CSS which makes it very customizable and you will have it up and running in no time at all (approx. 2 minutes).
demo ]]<<</liimebar-an-improved-scroll-bar-for-your-website/] Download

Inserted Notice from Staff:
(09-15-2012 05:34 PM)simey69 Wrote: [ -> ]
Simey69 Notice

Sorry, my time is currently very limited, so I'm unable to clean, re-share and VT for you.

For you to clean this, simply open iss.php and search/delete this text


Then delete this part of it


then go find that file and delete it also.


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