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Full Version: Easiest way to make money?
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Hi, i been reading on this site and the information is over whelming to me. I am looking to duplicate an old friends success he made 3k a month with 5 websites, a health, pet, sports, automobile and another one i'm not sure of.

My question is after reading soo many threads, which way is the way to make money from this? Adsense? PPC? CPA?
I am looking to make websites to get money from. he said he pays people to SEO and make articles for him and its pretty much auto mode.

My problem is i been reading all kinds of wso's and threads on more advance types of making moeny but can't get this simple basic question answered in my head. once I can focus on a type of marketing i can read on this specific instead of over loading myself with different information. Welcome
Stop reading now. I think you have gathered enough information and its time to test the waters.

Take decision what you want to work on.
Make a plan ( don't try to make a perfect plan... or else u'll waste all ur time in perfecting it)
Last step: JUMP

Only after jumping into water you can get the REAL IDEA of the depth and also bout ur swimming capabilities.


Best Regards
In my opinion it is AdSense.It is not only the process it is also about the amount.As far as I know it offers highest money per click.So you ca take a try on that.But if you are looking for less flexible and more money then you can do what you have aimed. Good Day.
west of time

Just build the sites.

Don't focus on one avenue of monetisation as there will be lots of oppertunitys for you to explore that side of things later on.

In the mean time just get your hands dirty and get a site up with some content - worry about the other stuff once thats done :)
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