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1.Install and place crack to Folder similar like : C:\Users\UserName\AppData\Local\Apps\2.0\P8QNT91M.8JD\KP9HWE0R.B4M\keyw..tion_c6​8c304a72fd3ed5_0003.0001_a8ae1da0368ebefe2.Type anything for username and password3.Enjoy

Tongue Tongue
I got it from somewhere. just tested it. The software running very fast and smoothly.
Totally, I have no positive comment or negative about KeywordExtreme.
I'd love to write something here only :)
Thanks for sharing us anyway !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
That file has been removed please re-up
the link is still alive - I have just downloaded it and following the instructions I have successfully installed the app.

will play with it later on today!
(09-05-2012 09:23 PM)Wordsoftruth90 Wrote: [ -> ]That file has been removed please re-up

Nope.. link is still alive.. Tongue

i have spent no more than 10 minutes playing with the tool... and I am quite disappointed!

the keyword analysis covers only "broad" and "phrase" searches... there is no "exact" searches
the other frustrating thing was the numbers.... well all of those were completely wrong compared with other tools.

you still can download the cracked version 'cause it will cost you nothing... and you can judge by yourself...
could install it on vps ?
thank for share sir :D
You are leaving tons of valuable keywords on the table.
Discover how to uncover 1000s of highly targeted, money making, long tail keywords with virtually no competition that every other tool in the market misses.
Keyword Xtreme digs deep into the Google database and returns every possible long tail keyword found there.



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Lol Lol REPU+ IS MUST Angry Angry
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