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Full Version: [GET] WordPress RSS Poster PRO v.0.8.8a [NULLED]
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Pages: 1 2
Thanks a lot antonvs, just got what I was searching for.
thanks.. where is download link ?
sorry :)
how to use this when it ask to login ?
Hi dear
Thanks for the plug., I’d instead of save your images in the folder cache, the upload directory to be saved in a years/month.


Hi dear
Thanks for the plugin, I’d instead of save your images in the folder cache, the upload directory to be saved in a years/month.


It is educated version?
Is this version safe? I mean... I've used a RSS Poster Pro nulled, few days ago (downloaded from another source - 0.8.8 Nulled too) and my website was hacked few hours after installation. The hack was a stupid software monitoring website installed in place of my website.

The hack has affected another wordpress site too (installed on the same server).

I want to know if somebody was hacked too, or if this version is safe to use...
hey guys!! how to removed related post?
I'd like to hear peoples experience with this too.
(05-27-2013 06:26 PM)nichitos Wrote: [ -> ]Is this version safe? I mean... I've used a RSS Poster Pro nulled, few days ago (downloaded from another source - 0.8.8 Nulled too) and my website was hacked few hours after installation. The hack was a stupid software monitoring website installed in place of my website.

The hack has affected another wordpress site too (installed on the same server).

I want to know if somebody was hacked too, or if this version is safe to use...
any new update for this plugin ? :D
Pages: 1 2
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