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Does anyone have the Pdf for this course?
Only first file will extract.
Tried joining all the zipped files with hjsplit, unfortunately I'm getting an "archive corrupt" message.
Bump for another working mirror....(Unzip /extract that has NO error ! )
(09-10-2012 01:15 AM)rainmaker Wrote: [ -> ]Tried joining all the zipped files with hjsplit, unfortunately I'm getting an "archive corrupt" message.
TY for letting us know ...

I would like to help out but I need more explicit details, and the outcome of efforts.
Were all the downloaded files of same size? Often hjsplit will combine files even if they were of wrong size
If I understand correctly, the rejoining was without errors?
IF there was an error, IN what segment did the error occur?

IF joining was without problems, do you have a guesstimate what % of unzipping the error was reported?
Sometimes with a zip file WinRar goofs up ... if you used WinRar can you try WinZip?
Regardless of the zip program used, was there a selection made in the program to ignore errors?

Google for solution with exact error message?

Please let us know how you get along with fixing this!

Can anyone share the "Video Fishing Method" and the "Hurcules Lure Strategy"

Much appreciation and "THANKS"

Can anyone please share the "Video Fishing Method" and the "Hercules Lure Strategy"?

Where are the big fish and what is the lure being used?

Much appreciation for this. THANKS will be given.

Hmm. I just saw this advertised. any re-ups. curious about the fishing method
Magic Button :
than ks buddyu
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