Link were been moved.
Even the robots.txt is gone.
Someone mirror this please.
There is nothing to mirror - this is a hosted service. The best bet is to find the registration page.
To bad. I'm late :(. I hope someone find the registration page..
why i am late :(
anybody can find solution of it?
I found a reg page but all you get is the offer to the earlybird bullshit which costs $200!
There is no sign of this beta anywhere.
you shall assume, some creator is our member too, they can quickly remove any link related to their product and change hosting once they notice product shared, no offense to creator or member
HairyNed - very true. There is nothing to download. Looks like all of us have been taken for a ride.
OP Please fix the download link, or the thread will have to be removed.
Please don't just blame on OP, sometimes, sxxt did happen.
Let's see who can share this... whining!!!