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Full Version: [GET] Social Deal Press - List Building Plugin For WordPress
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[Image: 78ab74401bfb043413ce6f80d880c357.jpg]

Sales Page

Magic Button :
The guy that put this out just bought the developer "Wp easy deals" for $9.99 and rebranded it, good for him. His sales page is actually more attractive than the original.

thanks for your shared
Hey guys,
can anyone give me Poloray theme please?
Hey guys!
Can anyone give me Poloray Theme premium please? :(
(11-28-2012 10:10 AM)Inoss Wrote: [ -> ]Hey guys!
Can anyone give me Poloray Theme premium please? :(
[GET] InkThemes Bundle!!!
Ink themes Bundle here to those who are interested.

But Poloray theme is still missing!
does anyone test it? I am worry if this have a trojan or something
this is not working. Anyone have working plugin? Thanks

Installing Plugin from uploaded file: socialdeal2.rar

Unpacking the packageā€¦

The package could not be installed. PCLZIP_ERR_BAD_FORMAT (-10) : Unable to find End of Central Dir Record signature

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Hey cutetallguy8, I was able to get it to work by uploading the unzipped directory through FTP.
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