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Full Version: [GET] [$2k Overnight] OFFLINE - Land mobile clients overnight without leaving home!
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Fellow Offline Warriors,

Isn't it frustrating when you send out tons of emails or make a bunch of phone calls, only to end up fruitless, battered, and right back where you started?

You may have sat wondering to yourself if success offline is actually achievable and if it's worth trying anymore.

Lucky for you... I've got something new and exciting that will make marketing to local businesses easier than ever.

All the guesswork is GONE!
I discovered an offline method around mobile that is new, fresh, and untapped. Here's how it all began...

It all started that was sent to me from an SEO blog I read often. That infographic had some very interesting facts.

After I got to thinking, I realized, I hadn't branched out very much lately and the facts had brought that thought into my mind. Later that day, I ended up signing up for an ad management service, and come to find out: the guy who writes the blog owns it.

Go figure. I got led right into buying it.

Then something clicked.
Something POWERFUL happened!

I realized there had been an ultra-powerful selling tool evolving in front of me for the last few years, and NOBODY was leveraging it.

It had led me straight to the conclusion of buying just by activating my mind and getting me to think.

That selling tool?


[Image: infographicscollage.png]

Later that day, I had an infographic created. I turned around and sent it out to over 30 businesses, and I ended up closing two deals less than 24 hours from the time I sent the emails.

All of that, accomplished from home, without picking up a phone or leaving the house, because of an infographic!

I immediately put together what worked for me and now it's here, in front of you, ready to make you money like it did for me.

When you FINALLY get your hands on this you will be selling mobile sites like you've never thought possible!


[Image: boxwsothread.png]I'm ready to show you EXACTLY what you need to do in order to leverage the use of infographics, how to create them to market your service, and how to find leads and market your service to those leads. I want to show you how easy it is to position yourself and more importantly, MAKE MONEY.

How would you like to land a deal like
this as soon as TOMORROW and repeat
it week after week with no effort?

Here's the invoice from PayPal for the second client we landed with this system. It was paid the same day we sent it, and that client just paid us our first monthly payment last week.

This is from a total of an hour of work:

[Image: mobilesitesoldpaypal.png]

If the proposition of overnight $1,000 deals doesn't excite you, then I don't know what will.

These are real results from a tested system that has taken ALL of the guesswork out of it for you and boiled it down to a super simple, easy to follow system on how to use infographics to close offline deals as soon as TOMORROW.

I took everything you will need and jammed it into this package. This isn't any old WSO, this is a complete business in a box.

How about I break down what you will discover when you dig into Offline Infographic Invasion: Mobile Edition...

[Image: included.png]

This is a complete system that you can put on autopilot after going through the outsourcing guide that we've included. It will be making you money literally the same week you put it to use!

With all the random systems, tricks, methods and products on the market, especially about offline, I can see how you would be kind of skeptical about what I'm telling you. I don't blame you, I would be too...

My only choice then, is to remove ALL your risk and put it on ME.

[Image: guarantee.jpg]
Why a full year? I am 100% confident in what I am offering you today, and I know that you'll only need minutes to realize it's worth every single penny.

I know it will be the best, newest and most unique twist on offline marketing that you've seen, and you will enjoy actually using it to make money because it will WORK.

The price is going up quick!
There is no better time than
RIGHT NOW to jump on this offer.

The infographic ALONE is worth well into the hundreds, and with the rest of the training, resources, templates, scripts and guides, this is easily worth $297 or MORE!

But... I'm not going to charge you anything NEAR that.

Not even a tenth of that. Or a half of a tenth of that!

[Image: ctabutton.png]

You get all of this, for ONLY:

[Image: btncmbo_21787.png]

This is only available until
Sunday, August 26th at Midnight!

You get a chance to be on the ground level of a new trend and everything you need to know about how to do correct, simple, powerful marketing is in this guide. You won't be disappointed. Aren't you tired of sending email after email, calling number after number, and getting next to NO results?[font=Tahoma] Don't you want to know what it feels like to effortlessly land clients every time you put ANY amount of effort into it...

The price will NEVER be lower (I promise). Get yours right now by clicking the button below:

[Image: btncmbo_21787.png]
P.S. You'll never find such an incredible deal on a complete business system for such an amazing price. Most training with this kind of info would cost at least $297 easily. Don't pass this up and hate yourself later.

P.P.S. Don't forget, there's a MONEY BACK GUARANTEE. There's absolutely no risk, and a chance to set yourself apart in your community, land more clients and start making more money offline.

P.P.P.S. This WSO CLOSES on Sunday, August 26th at MIDNIGHT PST. After that, it will be getting bumped up in price for webinar exposure.

This is your ONLY chance to get this package for such an incredibly low price:

[Image: btncmbo_21787.png]

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thanx brahbrah
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