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Full Version: [GET] [TOP 5 RANKING!] Your LAST SEO Guide - How To Rank ANY Brand New And Old Sites To Google's TOP 5!!!
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Bump to those who missed it. :)

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Magic Button :
Thanks to the all the posters here. Checked this out and its a step by step guide how to build backlinks and pretty comprehensive. Its not just about where to backlink but it actually breaks it all down so you can see exactly what to do and where to do it at. Just built a couple new websites in low competition niche's and gonna give it a try, i've been needing a guide setup like this. It should keep you from getting distracted, like i tend to do!

Don't guess its anything new as far as where to backlink to, but its a plan on how exactly to do this so google will trust your links more. Smile
(11-20-2012 01:03 AM)adaubenmire Wrote: [ -> ]Thanks to the all the posters here. Checked this out and its a step by step guide how to build backlinks and pretty comprehensive. Its not just about where to backlink but it actually breaks it all down so you can see exactly what to do and where to do it at. Just built a couple new websites in low competition niche's and gonna give it a try, i've been needing a guide setup like this. It should keep you from getting distracted, like i tend to do!

Don't guess its anything new as far as where to backlink to, but its a plan on how exactly to do this so google will trust your links more. Smile

Thanks for the review!
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YH thanks bro .
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