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Full Version: [GET] Mike Lantz: First Ever 'Video Marketing Platform' Makes Video 'Players' Obsolete...
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So many times I thank an OP, only to find out the file has been deleted for violation. Wish there was a way to remove my thanks.
Yes I know I don't press the thanks button anymore until I ready down into the thread to not only find out if the links are dead but does what ever I am trying to download even work solves a lot of headaches

Hope it helps
I think this is the plugin. I found it through searching and uploaded it is not nulled but I share it here so someone can null it.

[spoiler] [/spoiler]
can anyone null this
All these amazing tools from the self proclaimed Gurus are nothing (read: time waster/ pieces of s#it) with the real ingredient: TRAFFIC

I'd suggest you stop chasing the how to monetize and chase instead the whom to monetize!
Don't quite see what all the fuss is about about about a video player, but anyway...
d*** expensive for a wso-grade offer too...
Looks like version2 promos are jamming my inbox this morning,
so appending the wso link here just in case someone cares to poke at it
... keeping related stuff in the same thread:
Anyone have SVP 2.0 yet?
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