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Requested here a minute ago (Well 'm just bored and feels like sharing more Smile Heart )

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InstantQR Revolution - From Dull To Custom In 1 Click - YouTube

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Jo’s Awesome Answers

1. Who are you? You’ve never released a WSO before – can we trust you?! Are you in league with Vader and the Dark Side?

Luckily, I’m not, I’m a Jedi-Master in training and the force is strong with me. I’m glad you asked this, because, I also want to know who you’re buying from. I’m Jovana Sumar. Long story short: I run, a very different type of WSO review site, which requires me to implement and test a WSO before I promote it – and if it doesn’t meet my strict approval guidelines, I slap a DO NOT BUY and warn you about it. Honesty is my game. Integrity is my motto.

I also run the company, which is currently on the 1st Page of Google for custom QR code designers and custom QR code designs. There was a huge gap in the market for custom QR code templates – and we’re the first company to release them.

Also – in my spare time – I run with cheetahs, cuddle with tigers and wrestle with lions).

2. HELP! THE SKY IS FALLING. I haven’t received my email and 10 minutes has passed! Why?!

Breathe. Close your eyes and go to your happy place. Then, open them, and realise that sometimes technology doesn’t work out as planned. Sometimes technology decides to single you out and make YOU the victim. Don’t worry though, to counter the evil gremlins that prevent your email from reaching you, I have three rockstars who are helping me with support– they will take care of you in a jiffy. Just contact us at "" .

3. That price sure is rising mighty fast…

In full disclosure, the price rises $0.50 for every 5 sales. Don’t wait to buy this, just click BUY. You’re getting a crazy value for money and you’ll go from a newbie to custom QR code designer (with a rabid set of crazy client fans) in seconds. Talk about the perfect premium service for Offliners! Hollah!

4. Is there an OTO? What is it? Does it make coffee and deliver it to me in bed?

Unfortunately, it doesn’t, but wouldn’t that be cool? However, the OTO is something that will benefit you on a HUGE SCALE.

The OTO consists of 6 DIY Sets of Designs – and another 20 designs will be drip fed for one month (5 new spectacular, eye-catching designs every week) – giving you a combined total of 26 spectacular DIY Logo designs to rock your clients into complete awe and sheer amazement of your creative genius. I also share how to make $2000 per QR code client, and 7 QR-Code Hungry niches to target!

Its $27 and that’s an absolute STEAL.

5. BOO! I don’t have Photoshop. I wanna be part of the cool kids group too.

I know, I know, I’ve shed a silent tear for you because you haven’t got Photoshop – it’s probably the best thing since sliced bread and then some. However, if you’re keen to give InstantQR Revolution a whirl – there is a trial version of Photoshop CS6 available for download here. 30 Days. That’s all you need. Sell 8 of these bad boys at $97 each, and you’ve covered your Photoshop cost – no problem.

Alternatively, you can also send it to your outsourcer, designer, and pay them $1 every time time you need a QR code generated. Easy peasy. Be creative. These templates are going to turn you into a R-O-C-K-S-T-A-R, don’t let a little thing like ‘not having Photoshop’ get in your way!

You can also purchase Photoshop on a monthly plan at $19:

6. Photoshop looks hard. Don’t I need to be some sort of genius to use it?

These actions are so easy; I bet you right now, if you let a 7 year old kid watch these videos, they’d know how to use them after 15 minutes. That’s it. The training is a monumental 15 minutes long and then you’ll be able to create an unlimited amount of custom QR code designs! ANYONE CAN DO THIS. Yes, YOU can DO this.

7. I still don’t want to use Photoshop – isn’t there an alternative?

We have something in the works…. InstantQR Revolution members will get an 80% discount on the full retail price ($67) of the software when it launches. My suggestion: grab this so that when the software is released, you can get the best price possible! If not, see ya in a couple of months. You can subscribe to our list to be notified of the software launch, when it’s ready.

If there is a big enough demand, we’ll create GIMP actions for you. Just scream and we’ll hear you.

8. Is this WSO going to make me billions? (insert evil laughter here)

We’re selling you a tool. How you use it, will determine how much money you will make.Determination + Commitment + Correct Tools = Bank
9. Is that really a tiger in your picture or a stuffed animal?

Good question! That’s Aries. He’s now a four month old tiger who holds a very special place in my heart. His twin sister, Arabella who is also a gorgeous ball of fur, is currently really sick and about half his size. 10% of all of the profits are going to go towards paying her vet bills… buying a WSO has never felt SO good!

10. I want a cute furball tooo!!!!!!!!

Luckily for you, has an adoption program. Email "" to find out more information or visit this link.

Don’t panic and be kind.
I want to help you guys out as much as possible, but support questions, do not belong here. Remember: email us at ""

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Magic Button :

Please MIRROR before it's gone! Wink
Thank you for the...
Thanks to MoneyStar for the share. Is it possible that someone re-ups the "Become A QR Code Marketing Expert"
and the "QR Code Marketing Pricing Guide". The links provided lead to a log-in page.

Thanks in advance,
Thanks so much for sharing this
gr8 sharing friends,,thanks
merci for th sharing
Awesome share, thanks.

Curious if someone might have access to the items in the membership area that might be shared. Thanks again fro an amazing share.
Thank you much ...cheers
Just as what i need. Thanks.
please re-up links down
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