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Full Version: [GET] WP Link Guardian Will Help Your Site Increase It's PageRank AND Traffic! Get It Fast!
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[Image: Link-Guardian.png]
[Image: linkguardian.png]

You Might Not Know This, But...

Every time you link to an external site you lose link juice! You may not think you’re leaking links but the fact is that Wordpress sites on average are losing 1 level of page rank because of outgoing links.

That means that if your website is page rank 2 you should generally be able to push it to page rank 3 simply by adding nofollow tags to your outgoing links. Don’t lose out on valuable PR – let Link Guardian take care of the tedious but important job!

Now; manually going through every single post/page is a tedious job, and even if you did you’d most likely miss a few links. There’s no point in spending time doing such a depressing job – Link Guardian easily allows you to control ALL your links (both internal and external) with an easy-to-use manage page.

So What Can You Do To Avoid Giving Away Your Valuable Link Juice?

Link Guardian essentially monitors all your outbound links in both your posts and pages. With Link Guardian you can easily control and configure every single link by adding or removing nofollow tags, editing anchor texts or remove the link itself.

With Link Guardian you’re sure to never waste any link juice on domains that isn’t yours; if you got more than a couple of pages indexed in Google you definitely need this plugin!

[Image: Get-All-The-Details-Below.png]

- Remove links while preserving the anchor text in the article.

- Remove or add nofollow tags to specific links.

- Bulk edit links by selecting a common denominator such as several posts/pages or all links to a specific domain.

- Edit the anchor tag of links allowing you to edit the anchor text, edit the link itself or add various styles.

- Easily group links in whitelists and blacklists, creating overall rules for all in these lists.

- Got a new affiliate link? Easily change all your existing affiliate links with the click of a button!

- Add rules to specific posts/pages making sure Link Guardian completely ignores these.

So What About Some Proof?

1 Of Our Sites BEFORE We Installed The Plugin
[Image: before2.png]

The Exact Same Site Some Weeks Later After The PageRank Update.
[Image: after1.png]

[Image: btncmbo_20226.png]
[Image: voresgaranti.png]
[Image: btncmbo_20226.png]


Magic Button :

Thanks but this is not nulled yet?
Direct Dowload Via hidemyass
Magic Button :

But having problem retrieving the file.
reupload please :D
Reupload plz....thx
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