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How To Earn a Minimum of $100 a Hour Creating 100% Pure Profit Viral Membership Sites. Without Risking Any of YOUR own Money on Domains, Hosting or Membership Scripts...

[Image: FBmembershipsWSO-Final-1.jpg]
YouTube - Broadcast Yourself.

(I was having problems with my video in the new studio. Sorry about that!)

NO UPSELL, NO OPT-IN, Just a great DEAL! Even the BIG DOGS are using these!

Dear friend,

In a minute I'm gonna get into the math (yuck math) of building ($100/hour in your pocket) Pure Profit™ membership sites. *But first I want you to get out a pen and paper or swipe this copy because you can use it to get started right away.

Here's What Happened

About a year ago my partner Dan and I had one of those million dollar ideas for product launch, so we started our search for a solution to bring it to the masses. We did research on hosting, domain names,membership scripts, templates and all the normal stuff that goes into bringing a product to market.

Now – it took us less than a week to create all the content for the product, but it took us close to three months to launch because of all the hassles of testing and creating a membership site.

*Also, not only did it take us three months to put the site together, but we spent close to $1,000 buying and testing all the technical crap that goes along with it.

So What Went Into Our First Membership Site?

Hosting – typically if you plan on having more than a handful of members on your site at the same time, shared hosting isn't gonna cut it.

Membership plug-ins – first we bought the multisite license for WishList member because it seemed like that's what a lot of other people in the forum were using. About

halfway through the process, and because of the*multitude of*problems we were having with WishList member, we *jumped ship and bought the multisite license for Digital Access Pass.

Video – now we had to host our videos somewhere so that meant setting up an Amazon S3 and cloud Front account. While that was super easy, it opened up the new problem of

securing your Amazon bucket. While I wasn't worried about people stealing our content - it does happens. What I was worried about were people direct linking to our videos and waking

up with a $2,000 Amazon S3 Bill. So we purchased and tested the ezs3, and Easy Video Player 2.0.

Let's Look at a Breakdown of That
[Image: Prices.001.001.jpg]
Super Big Headache But...

Our launch went off without a hitch (mostly) and we made just under $2,600 in roughly 24 hours (that's where I got the hundred dollar an hour figure).

But if you figure in our expenses:

  • Hosting: Small VPS @ $50/month
  • WishList Member: Multi-Site @ $297
  • or Digital Access Pass: Multi-Site @ $297
  • EZS3: $20/month
  • or Easy Video Player 2.0: @ $204
  • Our Time Investment: Priceless...
You can see that cut our profit down to $1,592 after three months of testing the above software and getting the bugs worked out.

Fast-Forward a Year Later

Just when we were about to relaunch our program, all hell broke loose!

*Basically it involved technical issues with security, WordPress and Digital Access Pass being installed on the root of the server (at least that's what my web host told

me). We were left with the choice of either A.) switching host or B.) looking for a new membership script and migrating all our current members to it.

Dan Has Another Million-Dollar Idea… Let's Move the Membership Site To Facebook

So we did and here's the kicker:

  • We didn't need a domain
  • We didn't need super fast hosting anymore (or any hosting for that matter)
  • We didn't need expensive membership scripts
  • We didn't need someplace to store videos
  • We didn't need expensive video scripts to protect us from pirates bankrupting us

Facebook handles all that for you… And better yet for free.

Picture the old way of doing membership sites – hundreds of dollars and months of time invested.

Now picture yourself *building*membership sites they way we show you – Unlimited sites for free and about a day of time invested each.

So What The Hell Does This Have To Do With You

Here's what's up... If you have been paying attention, you can see how this approach to membership sites can save you a TON of money and time. Maybe. Here's why I say, "maybe."

*First, if you have already built 10 or 20 membership sites, or you have a full support staff of outsourcers that handle all of your web stuff, or you want to make a bunch of money without really doing anything - this might not be for you.

But if you're ready to get your hands a little dirty and to get yourself a passive income*continuity*sites without all the*headache*and cost that goes along with it, then keep on reading...

Here's What We've Done

I've partnered with Dan again to bring you the exact method we used to relaunch the exact same membership site in one day (compared to three months) and at no cost (compared to the thousand dollars we invested before).

My theory is you're hungry to launch a membership site, just like we were, but the massive cost and all the technical headaches are holding you back. Well not anymore!

With our training, you'll be up and running with your first membership site in as little as one day with no money out of your pocket (provided you already created content).

An Offer You Can't Refuse

Here's what you get: A easy to follow mind map to keep you on track throughout the whole training:
[Image: FBMemberships-e1342141607606.jpg]
Video one – big picture overview:
[Image: Intro-e1342141822599.jpg]
Video two – creating your Facebook membership foundation including your 1 min. set up, customization and personalization, and adding and removing members:

[Image: 2-getting-started-1-default-splash-e1342141861660.jpg]
Video three – uploading content to your new membership site and setting up videos, documents, and member forum:
[Image: 3-uploading-content-1-default-splash-e1342141912852.jpg]
Video four – how to set up Facebook landing pages, squeeze pages, and sales pages:

[Image: 4-landing-pages-1-default-splash-e1342141967442.jpg]
Video five – we wrap it all up with a little pre-recorded Q&A:
I Guarantee You Will Make Money with Our Method Unless...

Here's the exception to the rule… I can guarantee with 100% certainty, that if you buy this at the super low entry price but never put our awesome training work, little people riding unicorns are not going to show up on your doorstep and hand you a large bag of money.

Here's What I Want You To Do Next

Please hurry and click the payment button now and join Dan and myself inside the members area. *Let us help you in launching your first 100% free, pure profit membership site. See you on the other side.

Dan and Jay

How Can You Not Make Money With a Membership System That Includes…

  • FREE Web Hosting
  • [size=10]FREE Video Hosting[/size]
  • [size=10]FREE Image Hosting[/size]
  • [size=10]FREE Survey Creator[/size]
  • [size=10]FREE Group Chat[/size]
  • [size=10]FREE Content Management System[/size]
  • [size=10]FREE Content Scheduler[/size]
  • [size=10]FREE Email[/size]
  • [size=10]FREE Protected Members Area[/size]
  • [size=10]Instant Updates[/size]
  • Mobile Ready
**UNLIMITED membership sites all for FREE**

[Image: btncmbo_21036.png]

WAIT! You Think That's It!? No Way...

You get ACCESS to our...

30 Day FBM MasterMind Training
  • 4 (who knows how long Over-Our-Shoulders-Step-By-Step MasterMind webinars on how to create your very own FB Memberships in depth.
  • LIVE MasterMind Q&A's ,so NOT a d*** thing is left to doubt. If you miss it, that's ok, WE GOT YA...We'll have the recordings for you!

All of that for ONLY $7 BUCKS! Do what you gotta do!

OH.....AND you get a...

[Image: 60GuaranteeBox.jpg]
[Image: btncmbo_21036.png]


Direct Download
Magic Button :
Great share, thanks.
Thanks for the share. I was looking for info on this.
link down reup pliz

Lol Lol Lol Lol Lol
All in one MF mirror :).
thx for the save re up cause the first guy aint working
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