03-28-2011, 02:39 PM
WSO *HOT* IFRAME FanPage Templates With Viral Marketing
WHOA... that’s A LOT of potential "Likes" (the Facebook equivalent to "subscribing")! And you would be doing yourself, your business, and/or your organization a huge disservice if you neglect this marketing channel... so, we at MarketingChick.com have made it painless and affordable for businesses and individuals to establish a professional presence in front of the 500 Million Active Facebook Users.
1. Professional, Fully Customizable Facebook "Home" Page Template
* Seamlessly connect your Facebook Page to your existing Website for a sleek, comfortable visitor experience.
* Easily link to your Facebook *Home* Page to your internal Facebook Pages such as your wall, discussion board, and more.
2. UPDATE!! 8 NEW Facebook REVEAL Tab Templates!
I've added a new "Welcome/Reveal" template for you! This one matches the "Home" template that was included in the package. Comes in all 8 colors (Vanilla, Black, Blue, Green, Tangerine, Red, Plum, and Mauve). Enjoy!
3. 5 Facebook "Welcome" Page Templates/Styles
Vanilla, Black, Blue, Red, and Green color schemes...
4. Viral Marketing System Built-In! A viral marketing system has been integrated into each "welcome" page template, motivating your visitors to "LIKE" your page in order to "reveal" a downloadable gift (download info is viewable only to those who "LIKE" your page!)... and enabling them to invite *their* friends to come and collect a free gift as well! You also have the option to grow your opt-in list by encouraging your visitors to subscribe for more special offers!
WHOA... that’s A LOT of potential "Likes" (the Facebook equivalent to "subscribing")! And you would be doing yourself, your business, and/or your organization a huge disservice if you neglect this marketing channel... so, we at MarketingChick.com have made it painless and affordable for businesses and individuals to establish a professional presence in front of the 500 Million Active Facebook Users.
1. Professional, Fully Customizable Facebook "Home" Page Template
* Seamlessly connect your Facebook Page to your existing Website for a sleek, comfortable visitor experience.
* Easily link to your Facebook *Home* Page to your internal Facebook Pages such as your wall, discussion board, and more.
2. UPDATE!! 8 NEW Facebook REVEAL Tab Templates!
I've added a new "Welcome/Reveal" template for you! This one matches the "Home" template that was included in the package. Comes in all 8 colors (Vanilla, Black, Blue, Green, Tangerine, Red, Plum, and Mauve). Enjoy!
3. 5 Facebook "Welcome" Page Templates/Styles
Vanilla, Black, Blue, Red, and Green color schemes...
4. Viral Marketing System Built-In! A viral marketing system has been integrated into each "welcome" page template, motivating your visitors to "LIKE" your page in order to "reveal" a downloadable gift (download info is viewable only to those who "LIKE" your page!)... and enabling them to invite *their* friends to come and collect a free gift as well! You also have the option to grow your opt-in list by encouraging your visitors to subscribe for more special offers!