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[Image: WSOImage1Squidazon.jpg]

[size=10][size=10][Image: btncmbo_20399.png][/size][/size]
Squidoo has been part of my affiliate marketing strategy for several years now. Thank goodness, too, because when one of my sites was hit by Penguin, the lens backlinking my site moved up and took the spot I originally held with my site!

But I don't just build lenses (pages) on Squidoo for my sites. Often, I build them as stand alone pages to bring in extra income when I don't want to do a whole site about a niche.

How I do that is documented in this detailed, step-by-step guide that takes you by the hand and shows you how to:

  • Find niches
  • Evaluate niches
  • Check the competition BEFORE you start
  • Build a set of lenses around a single niche using a very popular buyer keyword throughout your set
  • Steal traffic from other lenses (Eek! STEAL? I mean EARN!)
  • Backlink those lenses with easy to use sites and resources (some of which you only have to do once for on-going links!)
[size=10][size=10]But, Erica, don't you already have a Squidoo guide out there? How is this different?

[size=10][size=10]The overall strategy is similar in that you still get very detailed instructions for building a set of lenses but the way in which those lenses are built is VERY different.

The other guide was all about products people buy because they're pretty or would go with their eyes or would suit their bathroom. There's money to be made with those products, certainly.

[size=10][size=10]But they don't always cost very much and they don't always make the best commissions.[/size][/size]

[size=10][size=10]THIS guide is for those OTHER products - the vacuums, the steam cleaners, big power tools, appliances, and...well...anything where you might normally build an Amazon review site.

[Image: StepbyStepInstructions.jpg]

[size=10][size=10][Image: btncmbo_20399.png][/size][/size]


  • [size=10][size=10]58 page main guide explaining the strategy[/size][/size]
  • [size=10][size=10]3 different sets of thorough, step-by-step instructions:[/size][/size]
    1. [size=10][size=10]How to implement the strategy with your own Amazon affiliate links OR
    2. [size=10][size=10]How to implement the strategy using SquidUtils to tap into Amazon's API for faster lens building OR
    3. [size=10][size=10]How to implement the strategy using Squidoo's links (when you don't have or can't get an Amazon Associate account)[/size][/size]

[*][size=10][size=10]Backlink tracker spreadsheet so you know what you've already done and where else you can get backlinks[/size][/size]
[*][size=10][size=10]Five task tracking worksheets to keep you organized (in multiple file formats)

[size=10][size=10]BONUS ITEMS:[/size][/size]
  • [size=10][size=10]List of 200 niche ideas to get you started[/size][/size]
  • [size=10][size=10]13 text files of HTML code you copy and paste into the modules - just fill in the blanks![/size][/size]
PLUS - [size=10]Those instructions are in a separate PDF specifically so that you can hand them to an outsourcer. Just pick your niches by following the material in the main book and then hand your VA the step by step tasks[/size]


  • [size=10][size=10]Magic button - it's not in here

[size=10][size=10]This will require some work, some product research, and some writing. If you don't like those things, this one's not for you. [/size][/size]


  • Build a strong set of backlinks to your existing Amazon review sites and drive more traffic at the same time
  • [size=10][size=10]Jump into new niches without building a site[/size][/size]
  • [size=10][size=10]Test out a niche without a significant amount of time or effort and then use the lenses as backlinks
  • [size=10][size=10]Hit hot, new products before Christmas without waiting for your new site to make it's way to the top of Google

[size=10][size=10] THE NO-WORRIES PURCHASE:[/size][/size]
  • [size=10][size=10]No upsells[/size][/size]
  • [size=10][size=10]Nothing else to buy to carry out this strategy[/size][/size]
  • [size=10][size=10]Just pay, download, and get started[/size][/size]
[size=10][size=10][Image: 60dayGaurantee.jpg][/size][/size]

Magic Button :
Virus Scan
SHA256: 88450c6e5562253102d67ad208b6165c28d64ce1219d263f3cd57a59933afead
File name: Squiddo for
Detection ratio: 0 / 41
Analysis date: 2012-07-26 19:21:06 UTC ( 0 minute ago )

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30 Mirrors
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Thanks for this share
Thanks SEO Superstar and MirrorMan
CLICK +REP, is ALWAYS appreciated!
Quote:Erica, the creator of this WSO! I consider her the Amazon Queen, and have yet to find anyone
that has both the real experience of being a successful
Amazon Affiliate and can teach an easy to follow system for becoming
one yourself.

In this product she shows how you can master the power of Squidoo
promoting products that earn even larger commissions.

What I like most about Erica's products is that she breaks down
complex things into simple step systems...and she has definitely
done that with "Squidazon".

Squidazon is a method containing no fluff, and paint-by-numbers approach
to kicking ass and taking names (along with the higher commissions)
using Squidoo.

It breaks her system down into seven key areas

Finding great niches
Selecting the right keyword for your Master Lens
Building your Master Lens
Choosing the right keywords for the Sublenses
Building your Sublenses
Backlinking your entire set of lenses
Strategies for getting traffic from inside Squidoo

She even provides example Len's to model.

But it get's about a list of Niche Ideas, worksheets and templates for implementing each key step of the system!

You have no excuse for not taking massive action and earning commissions
using Squidoo.

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