07-23-2012, 09:27 AM
![[Image: header-main.png]](http://www.skybuilder.net/kingdom/img/header-main.png)
From the Desk of Greg Jacobs: Mobile App Ninja
To: Budding AppStore Entrepreneur
Location: Somewhere inside Your iPhone or Android
How would you like to be part of the new mobile ecosystem?
A veritable world of information information and connections accessed exclusively through that thing ringing in your pocket?
A world where the playing field is truly level and everybody no
matter their background nor experience has an equal opportunity for
Something that you can start slow, and then later ramp up as you see minor successes compound into larger ones?
Heck you don't even need an office – just a mobile phone and a desire to succeed.
How would you like to be part of a HOT industry that has only just got started?
An industry that is wide-open with Opportunity.
![[Image: iphone-girl.jpg]](http://www.skybuilder.net/kingdom/img/iphone-girl.jpg)
An opportunity that may never come along again in our lifetime.
What I have for you here is not just some half-baked “make money
idea” but a clearly evolving trend in the business world that is
changing the way people think the "internet"
I am not kidding.
All you have to do is take a look at that thing that you carry around in your pocket or purse all day.
That's right. Your Mobile phone.
Now before we talk about how that ringing and vibrating thing in
your pocket or purse is going to change your life...let's talk about how
I discovered my “Blue Ocean”.
What's a Blue Ocean? you say.
A Blue Ocean is a situation that exists where no firms currently operate, leaving a company to expand without competition.
![[Image: blue-ocean.jpg]](http://www.skybuilder.net/kingdom/img/blue-ocean.jpg)
It's like the holy grail of business – the BIG “O” in opportunity.
In a Blue Ocean you tap into a new underdeveloped market where
there is more demand than supply and whatever you put out there
immediately gets scooped up by hoards of buyers – the fabled “Hungry
Crowd” - every marketers dream target audience.
I bet you'd like your own stretch of Blue Ocean.
I bet you'd like a piece of a market that has no chance of being saturated any time soon.
Yes I'm talking about the Mobile App industry
A market that is EXPLODING right across the globe!
This is the best time to launch into this business and take advantage of such an incredible opportunity.
This is like the Dawn of the Internet – only 10 times bigger.
I got to tell you...
![[Image: header-numbers.png]](http://www.skybuilder.net/kingdom/img/header-numbers.png)
Look at these amazing figures.
![[Image: line-graph.jpg]](http://www.skybuilder.net/kingdom/img/line-graph.jpg)
When I was researching my new project I discovered that roughly:
- 50.6% of the Adult population in the United States are using “Apps”.
- Each Adult has an Average of 18 “Apps” on their mobile phone.
- More than 30 Million “Apps” are Downloaded every single day.
As I write this, in July 2012, 30 billion apps have been downloaded from the Apple App Store alone.
Google Play, which sells Android apps, is reported to have had 15 billion downloads.
![[Image: header-billion-apps.png]](http://www.skybuilder.net/kingdom/img/header-billion-apps.png)
![[Image: whatthe.jpg]](http://www.skybuilder.net/kingdom/img/whatthe.jpg)
Yeah that is exactly what I said.
To top it off I was talking to one of those “App Store Masters” - I don't want to name-drop here but this guy is the 500 Pound Gorilla of Mobile App Developers – and he shared an industry secret stat with me.
“Greg...the average App downloaded earns the owner of that app $1.02 – know what I'm saying?”
Now that may not sound like a lot to you but when you take into account the volume that's being turned over...
Just as of March of this year – four months ago - developers submitting apps to the AppStore have earned over 25.5 BILLION dollars into their Bank account.
And most of these are small one or two person businesses -- So-called "Mom and Pop Start-Ups"
Actually the figure is much higher than that because the
Android App Store is not even counted in these numbers... but 25 Billion
is enough to start with don't you think?
Did you ever imagine there was a market like this! A 25 BILLION PLUS market?
And a market that's wide open – a Blue Ocean – with opportunity abound
![[Image: header-attention.png]](http://www.skybuilder.net/kingdom/img/header-attention.png)
Thought so. $25,500,000,000 - $25.5 BILLION is an impressive figure.
Listen...you have to understand this about the app business: essentially its about how consumers are using this technology to CONNECT WITH THE WORLD.
Apps are changing the way we communicate and relay information – allowing us to connect instantly with people all over the world.
Apps are fast becoming part of everybody's life –
pretty much how the computer was readily adopted. But this is much
bigger than computers.
We have apps that can control cars, teach you how to be a music
producer, how to play the piano, teach you a language and even an app
you hold up to the radio and it will tell you what song is playing and
who the artist is.
Apps are streamlining information, enriching our lives, educating and entertaining us.
Apps are no 5 Minute Wonder – a fad that will soon die out when they become uncool.
Apps are here to stay and are growing at an amazing rate.
Mobile App technology is fun, exciting and filled with possibilities – as you'll soon see.
![[Image: header-newsflash.png]](http://www.skybuilder.net/kingdom/img/header-newsflash.png)
![[Image: apps-news.jpg]](http://www.skybuilder.net/kingdom/img/apps-news.jpg)
The app business is still in its infancy. Just like the Internet was back in 1997.
People who saw the opportunities then jumped in and made a lot of money.
You know that.
Other visionaries were creating websites – around keywords – selling advertising on them and making very good money.
Or they were building “authority” sites – that are still around today and worth millions.
I'm sure you know all this.
What happened with domain names and websites is exactly what's happening now with apps and mobile technology
But this is the NEW INTERNET. And this is BIGGER.
Apps are fundamentally changing the way we communicate and relay information.
It is a Quantum Shift.
There's no limit to the number of new apps that can be created
because of our constant desire to be entertained or make things easier
for ourselves.
And get this – even with the current economic downturn, the
app industry continues to grow at a phenomenal rate – and it shows no
sign of slowing down.
Ok...good. So we are pretty sure that we want to be part of this 25
Billion Dollar Industry, but the first question is - how do we start?
Well, like most things, there's an easy way and a hard way.
First I will tell you about the hard way.
The Hard Way means going to some of those “freelance” websites and placing an ad looking for programmers to make our app.
First thing you need to do is sift through hundreds of
applications, most of whom don't even read your ad, but are
automatically replying to everything to try and catch a sucker.
The worst part is the guys replying to your ad are not even the ones doing the work.
Rather they are “brokers” who will farm your work out to someone
else and take 70% of the money off the top - leaving you with a
sub-standard app.
Now while there is obviously great money to be made doing it the
“hard” way, that is a HUGE startup commitment just to have only a 10%
(on average) chance of success.
That doesn't add up.
So lets talk about the “Easy” Way which I promise you is going to lead you painlessly to Profit.
![[Image: header-easy-steps.png]](http://www.skybuilder.net/kingdom/img/header-easy-steps.png)
The beauty of SkyBuilder is that all of the hard
work is done for you. It is infinitely easier to build apps this way
than what we went through – as described in “The Hard Way” above.
The entire process is automated.
We've taken all the "drudge" work away – the repetitive, boring stuff.
SkyBuilder is designed so that you have your very own Mobile App in just a few clicks of the mouse.
SKYBUILDER takes just 12 minutes to set up your app.
With a few clicks all you have to do is...
![[Image: 3steps.png]](http://www.skybuilder.net/kingdom/img/3steps.png)
Zero technical knowledge is needed. Absolutely none. Even if you don't fully understand what's involved in building an app – you soon will.
You simply check a few boxes (even most of these are pre-filled) and your app is magically created for you in 12 minutes.
To find a compelling niche takes 3 minutes.
Filling out the fields can be done in 7 minutes - by selecting which modules you want to introduce on your new app.
And of course you are going to want a nice cover photograph and
Icon. Finding one of these on the internet that you have the rights to
use can take 2 minutes and then you are done.
![[Image: riri.jpg]](http://www.skybuilder.net/kingdom/img/riri.jpg)
Go to Whoa in 12 minutes per app
Of course you can take longer if you like. But if we are talking about efficiency, then this is your target number.
SkyBuilder is designed so that you OWN a “mobile app building machine” that can pump out a million apps – if that's what you want to do.
![[Image: header-life-changed.png]](http://www.skybuilder.net/kingdom/img/header-life-changed.png)
Now before we continue, let me tell you a short story...an “App Story”.
Shortly after I had my first app made, I bumped into a guy I know
who is an absolute mobile phone whiz. He always carries around at least
3 at a time. (do you know someone like that?)
He's a little bit anti-social – like a lot of these talented geeks -
but when it comes to apps, he knows his stuff. You probably haven't
heard of him, his name is Michael Sabatini.
![[Image: sabatini.jpg]](http://www.skybuilder.net/kingdom/img/sabatini.jpg)
Don't bother Googling him – he flies under the radar. Has no time
for Facebook or Twitter or Linked-In – any of that “social networking”
stuff. He's not “social” and he doesn't “network”. He doesn't need to.
People come to him and line up around the corner. He is considered a
“GrandMaster” in the Mobile Apps Industry.
He talks very slowly – but when he talks people listen, because everything that this guy touches turns to gold.
First time I met Michael I showed him an app that some “outsourcer” built for me.
And whilst I thought the app was pretty 'cool' – it had only made
me a few hundred bucks – not what I had in mind when I started this
Michael Sabatini took a look at my app and goes “What did that cost you?”
I tell him.
He just sat there silently nodding and stroking his beard.
“How long did it take?”
I tell him.
He just took a deep breath and nodded again.
“Well?” I asked. “What do you think?”
Michael looked at me as if I really didn't want to hear what he was about to say.
“I think you've been had”
The gist of what he said was that I had been taken for a ride by my
“programmers” who not only charged me well into the 4 figures for
something that could have been automated...but they actually didn't do a
very good job.
Michael then told me that through the power of automation he could
build a software that could create an App, actually better than the one I
showed him, in just a few clicks of the mouse.
That blew me away. I didn't believe it was possible for a computer
program to replicate with a few keystrokes what it took me and the
programmers months of hard labor to produce.
A few weeks later, we met again in a beachside coffee-shop where computer guys hang out –
“Check this out.”
He opened his laptop and showed me what he'd been working on.
He'd done it!
After entering stuff into various fields...ticking a few boxes...and just 7 clicks of the mouse...in about 12 minutes he had built a fully-fledged Mobile App for my iPhone that had -
- Informative and relevant content
- Engaging photos and relevant video
- Affiliate links directly targeting the visitors interests (and they didn't even look like affiliate links)
The app he just created was infinitely BETTER than the one I paid thousands of dollars for.
He'd cracked it! He'd built a system that now took me only 12 minutes to create each app.
![[Image: header-blown-away.png]](http://www.skybuilder.net/kingdom/img/header-blown-away.png)
(and a bit angry that I hadn't thought to speak to him a year before...)
But then I got to thinking...maybe it was a fluke - a setup -
because he knew what topic I wanted my app on so maybe he spent a lot of
time and money to “pre-arrange” it.
So I threw him a curve ball and there in the geeky coffee-shop I
asked him to make me another app on a small niche topic that I like to
Well I can say that this one took him about 15 minutes because we
had to go and find the right cover image, but again he pumped out a
great-looking app.
Meanwhile I'm sitting there trying to keep a lid on my excitement and running some numbers through my head.
From my experience the average Mobile App earns approximately $1 per download for the owner of that app.
Now this $1 can be calculated different ways - based on many things.
One way is by charging people for that app. Say 99 cents. Of which
the owner of the app gets approximately 69 cents after Apple takes
their cut.
More lucrative than this is giving the app away for free and making the income via AdMob, Push Notifications and other methods.
![[Image: chalkboard.jpg]](http://www.skybuilder.net/kingdom/img/chalkboard.jpg)
It was all starting to come together in my Head. This App thing could really work.
This could be BIG.
The reality is that in making these niche apps...it was hard to get
the download numbers to justify spending $5000 on a programmer per app.
Especially when we weren't sure if we could make back that money.
However with Michael Sabatini's new “software” it was starting to make sense because I had ZERO COST per app.
I repeat – Zero cost per app.
I mean we already knew the Apps made money – that was a GIVEN.
Now with SkyBuilder we've been able to reduce our
creation costs to almost nothing - meaning we've placed ourselves in
effective and full control of our income.
Depending on our needs, we just open up SkyBuilder and make a few more apps here and there.
If we are feeling lazy...then we just stop making new apps and just
watch the downloads POUR in daily from all the apps that we have
previously made.
![[Image: header-whatsup.png]](http://www.skybuilder.net/kingdom/img/header-whatsup.png)
Well, ok that sounds great and I like those numbers above. I mean who wouldn't want to create apps? But there must be a catch? Surely there is something we're missing.
Well there is a catch and its called a “Keyword” - remember those from the old “internet days”?
Well the internet is on its last legs now. There won't be any Web 3.0. The world is going mobile.
Already there are 4.6 BILLION cellphones in use around the world – enough for two thirds of the earth's population.
Mobiles are the new internet. Opening doors to a new way of generating business.
![[Image: progen.png]](http://www.skybuilder.net/kingdom/img/progen.png)
Mobile Apps is the fastest growing industry in history and shows no signs of slowing down.
So now when we do Keyword Research - using the “old” ways doesn't
help us. We need a new model and Michael the coder genius had just come
up with that.
You see, in addition to the SkyBuilder Software, Michael had developed quite the innovative tool he first called “Project Genesis”. As it developed the name evolved into “Keyword Genesis”.
In my opinion Keyword Genesis is the most important step in
building your Kingdom of Apps because it's the first step you must
What KG (for short) does is...it finds you the keywords that Hungry
Buyers are searching for to put Apps on their Mobile phones.
In addition to finding you the HOT keywords, it also does deep
analysis to determine where there are gaps in the market and where you
can easily get an App to rank and get that easy 350-500 downloads right
off the bat.
![[Image: header-thirsty.png]](http://www.skybuilder.net/kingdom/img/header-thirsty.png)
The beauty is that when you use KG, you already know your app is
going to be popular and get downloads because you know there are already
people interested in that niche and it has low competition.
Forget your “web niche” sites. Mobile is the new world wide web.
Like I said - the internet as we know it is on its last legs – if not
already dead.
So there I had it - the ultimate software that could build me an app in 15 minutes and an unreleased cutting-edge (mobile) Keyword Research Tool that will tell me the niches that I should build them in.
Now all I had to do was to start to Automate and watch the App Downloads accelerate
So Michael and I got cracking building apps.
One App turned into a dozen. A dozen turned into a hundred and soon
we had Thousands of Apps on the AppStore and Android store bringing us a
wealth of downloads and everything else related
And once these Apps were up, we didn't have to do anything else to get them going and performing as we expected
![[Image: nothing-to-do-with.jpg]](http://www.skybuilder.net/kingdom/img/nothing-to-do-with.jpg)
It is a completely automated residual process that works and keeps on working.
I'm so thrilled to have a system that doesn't require any upkeep
that I can just put the mobile apps up and check my account every
morning to see how many more downloads I have. It is that Easy.
I invite you to come and look over my shoulder to see how quick and easy it is to create a Mobile App in just 15 minutes.
Now before we continue, you may be asking what's exactly included within the SkyBuilder Mobile Engine.
Obviously SkyBuilder Software and Keyword Genesis but that is just the tip of the iceberg.
Take a look at what you are getting for yourself:
Price for One Year License $997.00 for each one year
Mothly License is $147 but for 3 Lucky people will get it ONE YEAR FREE!

To get DIRECT Monthly License Access for ONE year FREE:
Just pm me!!!
BUT YOU HAVE to agreed that you will NOT share it to anyone to avoid the other licenses being compromised!
ONLY 3 Licenses access to be given away!
First of 3 people to pm me will get it! Enjoy!
Again YOU HAVE to agreed that you will NOT share it to anyone nor in public to avoid the other licenses being compromised!