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Full Version: [GET] iMacros 8.02.1970 Enterprise Edition Unlimited Version - Alternative to uBot
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Pages: 1 2
Thanks man
(12-05-2012 01:14 AM)nivong Wrote: [ -> ]I tried my Imacro's script from firefox for addmethis and also for likesASAP.
non of them work, tough they work in Firefox withouth and problems

Imacros are pretty funny what you need to do is change the version at the top of the macro to whatever you are using

IE if you use Firefox free version and then use the scripting version you will need to change the "version" at the top of the macro remember it will create two "imacro" folders as well
Thank you man , I will try it : )
What this for?
imacro backlink still works at the moment ...? thank you
Thanks, Nice share |,,|.(*_*).|,,|
Pages: 1 2
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