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Thanks a ton bro.
useless if you have to buty it
will try it,thanks much
thanks Faizann24,working for me,i got many testes posts, will check his manuals to get his profits lol
Seems to work fine.
Was not impressed by the content on their demo site though. Lots of unrelated content.
But maybe for adsense it will work....
anyone has this plugin works now ?
it doesn't - Google has it's number and you'll find you'll be de-ranked and/or manually inspected fairly soon. This cost many adsense accounts towards the end of it's viable life.

Any one has any Q's just ask - I went through the loop with this.
will try it,thanks mate!
CR no longer works for a number of reasons:

Not compatible with WP updates.

No longer works with yahoo Boss api in its current form since 10/3.

No longer viable for its original use.
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