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Got it, thanks deserve it man!
Worked for me. you have to use an email address that you can check and click confirmation link to unlock
I have entered my email address into the interface, after that I received mail in my inbox saying Thanks for purchasing and with a download link for the software.

After I click on the link and go to the download page where Click on the download link it tells me "Error: The file you are trying to download does not seem to exist"

In my opinion the DLguard has checked my email address to see if it matches with any of the email addresses they have on file from people who actually paid...

Am I doing something wrong or can someone help me out here? Thanks
Thanks man! Nice share...rep for that!
(07-09-2012 10:27 AM)contagio Wrote: [ -> ]I have entered my email address into the interface, after that I received mail in my inbox saying Thanks for purchasing and with a download link for the software.

After I click on the link and go to the download page where Click on the download link it tells me "Error: The file you are trying to download does not seem to exist"

In my opinion the DLguard has checked my email address to see if it matches with any of the email addresses they have on file from people who actually paid...

Am I doing something wrong or can someone help me out here? Thanks
It works for me ,after the step you just made,simply return to the software shared here and then click on submit,no matter if you download it,
Yeah it works! Thanks guys for sharing.
Just updated with new features v1.3.2

Magic Button :

Just replace the exe file with the original

Direct link with video explaining new features

Magic Button :
I have updated to version 1.3.2.thanks.
But unfortunately, it does not support my language.
Waiting for 1.3.3 update
can someone maybe PM their Name and email as I can not get it registered so I would just type in your name and email with which you registered so i could use it. it always wants to send something to my email and I can never login with my confirmed address
Soo is this cracked or just waiting to be cracked?
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