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Full Version: Huge list of Firstnames and Lastnames + Usernames 30 Mo
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Here are two huge list for the community ;) (First character uppercase)

Made of mirrors please

Firstnames = 4337721

Lastnames = 5364038

SHA256: cd033311b3fbd54e5f461cddaa02fd22cb74dd62337f352b3749296d8cc2d561
File name: Huge-Firstnames-Lastnames.rar
Detection ratio: 0 / 38
Analysis date: 2012-07-05 21:00:24 UTC
Thank you. But what can we do with it? I'm probably not thinking outside the box.
Many software application lists such as this, say that these two big list should help generate a more efficient random (more combination, variant more "human").

You will better understand what there looking into it to :)
I just searched Google and it landed back me onto the best blackhat forum! :D
I was thinking the list would be like 2-3 MBs big.
Just saw the file size. 30 friggin' MBs.
Nearly shit myself in my pants! LOL
Keep up the excellent work mate! :D
Can we use this for facebook bots software ??
(07-19-2012 03:31 AM)rudranath537 Wrote: [ -> ]I just searched Google and it landed back me onto the best blackhat forum! :D
I was thinking the list would be like 2-3 MBs big.
Just saw the file size. 30 friggin' MBs.
Nearly shit myself in my pants! LOL
Keep up the excellent work mate! :D
Glad that it'll be usable (^^)

As for Facebook I guess it depends only of the software ;)
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