07-04-2012, 03:39 AM
I don't know if its too much to ask or not, but'll ask anyway.
PPV/CPV traffic works really well for CPA offers. But there are ways to do it. Its not possible to just set up a campaign a cash in. So, I request any book/method that touches the inner working of PPV/CPV. Needless to say it will be helpful for many people.
It doesn't have to be some/method or book. The pro marketers who are lurking around here can share a tip or two. If someone learned a trick that is shared....these kind of things are more useful that an ebook writtenn by some self-titled guru on warrior forum which only teaches you how to sign up to a CPV network.
Maybe the mods, can open a formal thread for all the members to share their PPV/CPC stories and experience.
Just my 2 cents. :)
I don't know if its too much to ask or not, but'll ask anyway.
PPV/CPV traffic works really well for CPA offers. But there are ways to do it. Its not possible to just set up a campaign a cash in. So, I request any book/method that touches the inner working of PPV/CPV. Needless to say it will be helpful for many people.
It doesn't have to be some/method or book. The pro marketers who are lurking around here can share a tip or two. If someone learned a trick that is shared....these kind of things are more useful that an ebook writtenn by some self-titled guru on warrior forum which only teaches you how to sign up to a CPV network.
Maybe the mods, can open a formal thread for all the members to share their PPV/CPC stories and experience.
Just my 2 cents. :)