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This forum has given me sooo much since I've been on that I want to give back. I do not know how to make mirrors and I have never uploaded a file. If someone can explain to me how to do so I will pay the monthly premium, download the material and share with all.

(03-02-2013 11:49 AM)alonso2904 Wrote: [ -> ]This forum has given me sooo much since I've been on that I want to give back. I do not know how to make mirrors and I have never uploaded a file. If someone can explain to me how to do so I will pay the monthly premium, download the material and share with all.

hey thanks alonso for offering to buy membership. but to be honest...i'd be skeptical that that is the real course. it could possibly be, but it could be some scammer also. but if you want to risk it then i wont stop you. Wink

as for making mirrors...i dont know of any file sharing sites that allow more than 400 MB (the files are 500 MB) downloads for free. you're probably going to have to download all the files and unzip them and then rezip them to no more than 400 mb size. if you dont know how to do that, then maybe you should download the files first for yourself, then maybe give your login credtials to a trusted member here and let them download it and do the unzipping and rezipping and uploading them to mirrors. i'd be willing to do that if you trust me. ;) i will give you the links so you will get the credit. i repped you +3 already. i dont mind if you choose someone else as long as i get it Smile

if you can do the zipping yourself, use as your mirrors. be sure to check megashares (already checked) and gamefront and [Reported by Members as premium hosting that SUCK! Use MEDIAFIRE or MEGA.NZ :) !!!] (since you have an account). upload them and share the links. Smile

but i would also be careful. the owner maybe watching this thread since all the links are down all around the internet and will report them so the links will be useless. you may want to screen members by PMing the mirror links to members that have a certain amount of posts, thanks, date joined and/or reps. i dunno, its up to you. let me know if you want my help.
I honestly do not think the worst thing first, I guess maybe I should. If I lost $15.00 because it was a scam so be it. This forum has given me a thousand times that and I feel terrible that I do not have any products to share. Plus, I am so thankful to all those who do all the uploads and mirrors that if I can share in some way I feel better. The law of reciprocity always kicks in when all you do is take.
My guess is that the content is regular because links are from trusted sources.
But I can not claim because I have not seen the content.

Alonso, thanks for your offer.
good one alonso
Hello everyone, I just wanted to let you guys know I bought the monthly pass and downloaded the files and they work just fine. I can't wait to share them with this forum!!

The problem is, I need to be out of state for a week and I will not have time to post. I will use common file hosts and less than 400mb for all to have without paying anything. Any recommendation will be greatly appreciated. In the mean time, can someone explain to me how to post files in this forum; I have never done so?
Extract all contents to a folder, and then install 7z file manager. After that right click on the folder, 7zip -> Add to archive -> find option of split to volume, bytes and enter 400M. then your whole folder will be zipped into various 400mb parts and then upload every part using mirrorcreator, not just on [Reported by Members as premium hosting that SUCK! Use MEDIAFIRE or MEGA.NZ :) !!!]. Cheers for downloading and taking the effort!!
sorry guys for taking so long. I was away on business and I could not find the time to upload. Give me a day or two and I will upload them. Thanks akkiverma for the instructions on how to extract files. I have another question, how do I create a post here similar to how everyone here clicks thanks and the download files appear?
you just make a new post, and press [spoiler] button, and put all links inside this tag
collect all the links and paste it inside ["hide"]links[/"hide"] without quotes... you're good to go now ;)
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