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Full Version: [FREE BETA] Content Generation Tool
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I am the creator of a content generation tool called Seo Content Machine

This tool allows you to
1. scrape content
2. spin and combine into articles of a specified paragraph length
3. Insert spun titles/images and videos to create awesome looking web 2.0
4. Keyword research module as well.

This is a free BETA. You get to use my tool an in exchange any and all feedback would be welcome.
You can leave feed back here on the forum OR right inside the suggestions tab in the application.

YES! Sign me up to the SEO Content Machine BETA
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I recently got rid of the old API limited spinner and added its own syn db. Wow, that made a difference to speed. Now im happy to say that this tool can spin words/phrases and recombine them at paragraph level to create super spun content. Check it out
Thank you for trial, I gave a quick look at the tools, it seems promising is ok, more and more vedem.ce check will be

I already tested it - it`s GREAT! With the Soft Spinner it gave me 73% , 82% , 84% Unique Articles!
Great idea is the possibility ti insert random videos and inages scraped by desired keywords..
It seems interesting. I'll play around with it over the next week and post my results. Thanks for the beta!!!
Download and install went without a hitch.. seems interesting, the initial few articles were pretty decent.

Better word wrapping in the content and article text boxes would be nice :)
You can turn on/off word wrapping in the options menu.

The reason why its done like this is that some features work on a paragraph level.

EG inserting images/videos would be a nightmare if word wrap was enabled. U'd never find the start of a paragraph.

Also randomization works on a per line level. So does filtering. Turning on word wrap disguises visually how the tool is working!

But thanks for feedback. I had another person say the same thing to me already!

Ill think a little bit more about a solution Cool
Do you have a preference for where bugs are posted?
I accidentally deleted it, and now I can't install it again..
Thank you for the proposal, is only in English?
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